
Tuesday 31 March 2020

The year that changed the world

A simple walk has become so precious
Soaking in the views that look so luscious
Restricted to just one jaunt a day
We must try and escape come what may.

Sadly not all can venture out
Cabin fever setting in no doubt.
The situation forced upon us
We must accept without a fuss.

But when we do step outside our door
It suddenly feels far from a chore.
Look up to the glorious skies
Whether it’s sunset or sunrise.

The beauty that was there before
Think of it like your personal dance floor.
Embrace it all and soak it up
As if you are a tiny pup.

Look out with eyes afresh
See your countryside at its best
Think of those who are housebound
Who’d love to have a crowd around.

For they see no-one day to day
It’s for these people we must pray
And those that are not feeling well
Who would really love to just be held.

Pubs stand empty like lifeless souls
These were once our favourite watering holes
It used to be where we’d sup some beer
Once a place full of laughter, love and cheer.

The chapel stands majestic in the evening sun
How many times I’ve gone past it on my run
It should be full of song and praise
Not just on a Sunday but all the days.

The chapel doors may be firmly locked
But God is never off the clock
And so many in their hour of need
Praying that God may intercede.

It is a time so full of worry
Previously we were all in such a hurry
We’d lost sight of the precious things
Like children playing on the swings.

So fill your lungs with that fresh air
Don’t worry about your nails and hair
Devour a much simpler life
Fill it with love - make it rife.

So please just look out for one another
Your mum, dad, children, sister and brother
Don’t forget those that may be in need
And let’s lose all the social greed

We will find the end of that rainbow
And finally return to the status quo
But let’s not return to who we were
When 2020 is a distant blur.

#LoveThyNeighbour #TakeCare #StaySafe #Share&Care

The year COVID-19 changed all our lives ❤️😢

J C Hicks copyright