
Saturday 3 October 2020

Touch it - feel it - no live it

Touch it - feel it - no live it 

How do we measure success...........

Can we touch it
Can we feel it
Can we count it

Are we born with it
Are we taught it
Are we oblivious to it

Do we need it
Do we want it
Do we have to have it

Should we aspire to it
Should we achieve it
Should we be grateful for it

Could we fake it
Could we lose it
Could we live without it

Who decides what it is
Who judges if you’ve achieved it
Who cares

There is only one thing you need to know

It’s YOUR success
YOUR measure
YOUR goals
YOUR ambitions
Only YOU can judge YOUR success

What is a major achievement for one could be an insignificant moment in another person’s life. What may seem trivial to you may be a huge milestone for someone else.

So let’s not judge each other - let’s just be kind - let’s just be compassionate- let’s just be nice - let’s celebrate the small things - let’s not put others down - success is personal - it can be public - it can be private - you may feel like it’s never going to happen - but it already has because you are here reading this and alive - just living is the greatest gift we can have ❤️


J C Hicks copyright

Thursday 1 October 2020

80 years young Mr Hicks

2nd October is a really big day
We are going to party come what may!
The rain may be falling with grey skies above
So we will dig out our scarves and even our gloves.
We have a big birthday to mark you see
But sadly no party will there be.

Reg Hicks has turned 80 just a spring chicken
With no party looming the Hicks’ were stricken
This blessed virus has put paid to that
However we can still don our party hats!
So we will somehow gather together - apart
Socially distanced this breaks our hearts!

But this day must be marked the best we can
Reg is the head of the Hicks clan.
He married young Valerie many moons ago
Together they’ve watched their 4 boys grow
Lots of grandchildren keeping them young
So many happy birthdays have been sung.

So a big fat happy birthday to you Dad
The fact we cannot all be together makes us so sad.
But we will raise a glass and wish you well
80 years needs celebrating because it’s just swell.
So we will party in the garden come rain or shine
Until the day when you can be wined and dined!

Happy birthday Reg! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳