
Thursday 31 December 2020

Happy 80th Mum!


It only seems like yesterday when we were all still living with you at home

John playing in the garden and Sara listening to Rush - just wanting to be alone!

Max running riot all over the estate 

Always learning how to jump the garden gate!

Such happy memories of our wonderful childhood in St Davids Road

Like the year we were snowed in and it was really flipping cold!

We strapped Max up to our little sledge 

Off to Pembroke to buy a big bag of coal.

But on the way back home at the top of that hill - Max spied a cat

Off he shot, coal sliding behind - anyone in the way would be laid out flat.

It felt like we lived at the beach in those long, lazy, hazy summer days

We'd pack a picnic, our dingy as well - arguing - well of course - always!

We'd stagger down to Broad Haven beach and set up camp in a far flung spot

And we will never forget when poor Souki became the one that we forgot!

We'd spent a lovely day on the beach - all packed up to head for home

Someone not too far from you decided to have a little roam

Straight in the rock pool that little person fell and got soaking wet

So you scooped me up, wrapped me in a towel just as the sun set.

And so it was we all scurried off the beach,  leaving behind our beautiful pooch

Nobody noticed Souki was missing until someone wanted a doggy smooch.

Dad rushed straight back to search the enormous beach but poor Souki could not be found

Undeterred Dad went back at first light and she was there but then gave him the run around.

Souki was not the only lucky one to survive because when John was born Sara was jealous.

Or perhaps what we should really say is that her show of love was slightly over zealous!

When he was a baby, lying in his pram, she popped a boiled sweet in his mouth to suck

You heard this strange noise coming from his pram and when you looked were horror struck!

Sara decided to powder baby “just like mum” but she put some salt and pepper in his eyes

All this love and attention and the poor boy was still only pint size!

Then one day we three were in the garage playing with the oars 

It wasn’t long before there was war

But upon whose head was that dinghy oar smashed over 

Yup poor old John, with a gash in his head our game was over 

We all used to argue like cat and dog and us girls did gang up on the only boy

We'd fight over toys, the TV and washing up - but our home was usually full of joy.

Dad would be there cracking jokes and you'd be creating wonderful bakes

Cinnamon swirls, Chelsea buns alongside a load of glorious cakes.

If Dad wasn't playing his clarinet 

there were other sounds he would emit!

Like the time in France whilst touring the vineyards and in the cellar a bum burp dropped 

Our lovely French guide stopped, turned and said "ah listen the cork it does "pop""

We were all mortified and dying to laugh and Dad just nodded and said "ah oui" 

We all had to just carry on, try not to laugh, for there was nowhere to flee!

We all went to Kismet with Babs and Brian and Dad let one slip in this tiny space

The smell slowly crept across the shop - it was a case of get out quick or cover your face.

We had so many laughs along the way and life always seemed so carefree

And despite the odd argument here and there most of the times we all agreed

 On our holidays in Saundersfoot with the Bowmans we always had the best times

We were definitely thick as thieves and like partners in crime!

You and Aunty Jean always staying so calm, feeding the 5000 was what you did best!

To have these amazing memories makes us all feel truly blessed.

And so we come to 2020 and a big birthday in lockdown which makes us sad

Covid-19 has won the day but we will celebrate and for life we will be glad.

We may be few in numbers - just us three

 but we shall all come together electronically

So lets open the fizz and celebrate your life - we won't let this virus get in our way

80 years young and lots to be thankful for so we will make this a very special day!