
Sunday 19 June 2022

Carew Wesley Anniversary

Carew Wesley Anniversary  

The world has been hurting the past couple of years.

So many people endured pain and loss, shedding many tears.

A pandemic that came in and stripped bare so many lives.

A virus seeping through society where so many didn’t survive 

All the places of worship had to close their doors.

As people were forced to meet only outdoors. 

No singing, no sermons, no prayers - not a sound.

So many people becoming completely housebound.

But you Lord were with us every step of the way.

Our lives changed so much in the flash of an eye. 

Loved ones passed away with no chance of goodbyes.

Comforted only by a stranger holding their hand 

Knowing they are passing into God’s own land.

Life still went on with new lives still emerging

New mums on their own with dads left home hurting.

Hero’s and heroines emerged as they carried on with their job 

Many returned home tired - and all they could do was sob

But Lord you were with us every step of the way.

Then there was a light at the end of this long painful road.

A vaccine which gave hope as the NHS reached overload. 

The scientists had developed our life saving vaccine.

A jab which could stop this vile virus Covid-19

So finally and slowly normal life has returned. 

Two years and there are so many lessons we have learned.

We must live for today and soak up the small things 

For we never know what tomorrow may bring. 

But you Lord are with us every step of the way. 

It’s easy to believe that there can be no God.

As it seems our world is fundamentally flawed.

Our hearts are breaking as we watch poor Ukrainians suffer 

Families losing children, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.

This casts huge doubt over our faith and belief.

Our minds become bogged down with torment and grief.

But we must hold our course and put our trust in you Lord.

Faith - what is it?  It is like our invisible cord.

And you Lord are with us every step of the way.

The past two years have re-aligned peoples values.

A life full of love and laughter is what we must choose.

You can’t put a value on precious memories and time.

For only the Lord knows the length of our lifetime.

So stop and take stock of what is around you.

Stop a moment longer to soak up that view. 

And stand in awe and wonder at what the Lord has created.

For it’s there in all it’s amazing glory to be fully appreciated. 

And remember- the Lord is with you every step of the way.

Copyright © J C Hicks 19-6-22