
Saturday 26 November 2022

The Best Things In Life Are Free

The Best Things In Life Are Free 

The lights are twinkling alive and bright
It truly is a beautiful, dazzling sight. 
Christmas Trees laden with decorations and memories.
Chocolates, tinsel & baubles just some of its accessories.
A wreath hangs neatly on the front door.
As we are fast approaching the end of the year.
A year that was full of highs and also some lows.
We’ve all lost loved ones or those we held close. 

It’s a time to celebrate our Saviours birth
The time that he came down to this lowly earth. 
It is a time to reflect on the year gone by.
Give thanks for the good things as we bid 2022 goodbye. 
So while presents are piled under the tree 
Let’s not lose sight of reality.
The best things in life are always free.
So love, live and laugh with your family. 

Merry Christmas 

Copyright © J C Hicks


Friday 11 November 2022

Environmental Revolution

 Environmental Revolution 

I wonder if God is sat looking down from upstairs.

At this world he created and for which he deeply cares.

I wonder if he’s sat there with his head in his hands.

Looking at the destruction humans have brought upon the land.

I wonder if he looks on in complete despair.

As humans have acted like we just don’t care.

I wonder if he knew that our plans would destroy our planet?

Only now we realise that the environment isn’t like granite!

Weather so destructive as it’s beats it’s daily path.

Beating suns and pouring rain releasing it’s full wrath.

Humans are shouting let’s use our natural resources.

We have to stop the onslaught from these nature forces.

Let’s stop the use of plastic which is now choking our deep seas.

Stop consuming processed junk which is causing disease.

Stop fuelling all our lives from a bank of fossil fuels.

Let’s use the sun, wind and sea instead - they are our natural tools.

I wonder if God sits and looks and thinks they’ll work it out.

I wonder now if the facts are beginning to erode doubt?

I wonder if God is sad that humans can be such a destructive race.

As we beat a path to move “forward” at a never ending pace.

I wonder if God sits and knows his faith in us will win.

As we start to clean our act up - let the green revolution begin 💪🏻🌍

Copyright © J C Hicks  11-11-22