
Sunday 30 June 2024

30/06/2024 - Stairway To Heaven

 Sunday 30th June 

I stand with my foot upon the stair
That appears to lead nowhere
I stop for a moment, up on my tiptoes
Suddenly heaven seems ever so close
I tentatively take another step 
I remember how when you left, I wept
I look up above me with a heart full of hope
Suddenly it’s as if I’m balancing on a tightrope
Before me lies the vehicle of my dreams 
A stairway to heaven - or so it seems
I close my eyes and feel you all around me 
Transported up and now I’ve turned the key
And now in this moment it’s just you and me
I slip my hand in yours - yes it is just you and me 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 24 June 2024

24/06/2024 - Flying High

There you fly way up high
Dancing through the clouds and sky
It must be quiet up in that zone
Soaring around all alone 
I sit and look as you swoop and sway
I wonder if I too could fly one day 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Thursday 20 June 2024

20/06/2024 - Houdini at it again!

Thursday 20th June 2024

Gampi is home my grandson shouts
He runs to the gate but let’s Benji out
I have to give chase right away 
Benji thinks - oh yes - let's play
He is gone like a rocket down the road
I’m getting on and I’ve definitely slowed 
I can’t keep up so I can only yell
“Benji come back” - man this is hell
Then my saviour appears
A couple walking a dog are near
He grabs Houdini by his collar 
Phew - thank you is all I can holler 
Out of breath I grab my prize 
Oh this dog - my patience he tries! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

18/06/2024 - Bouncy Benji

Tuesday 18th June

Get a dog they said - it will be fun 
A cute little puppy, that’s how it begun
Now I’m forever saying “I’m so sorry!”
As we race by as fast as a Ferrari
My arms like spaghetti as I cling to his lead
Benji bouncing along and willing to be freed
He sees a squirrel and up he goes
Climbing that tree on his doggy tiptoes
He walks along singing his barky song 
Nobody hangs around us for too long 
So I must apologise for my Benji Boo
But if I didn’t have him - what would I do 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Sunday 16 June 2024

16/06/2024 - Election Fever

Sunday 16th June

I’ve got a terrible earache
It’s pecking in my head
It’s there from the morning
Til I go to bed 

It’s got a special name 
The doctor told me so
It’s called election fever
What a terrible blow

Apparently it lasts for weeks 
And the air gets really hot
As all of the politicians
Wheel out their big shots

The window has been opened 
Now truth can float away 
Can we really 
Believe a word they say 🤔

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

16/03/2024 - Pembrokeshire Poet Was Born

Sunday 16th June

I wish someone had said to me 
When I was a little girl
You have a gift for writing
And poetry could be your pearl

I never really thought about
Putting pen to paper 
I was too busy 
Having a good caper

There was a teacher in my primary school
Mrs Davies and she was cool
I saw her when I was all grown up 
And she said I was no fool

She told me how she’d loved my stories
How my imagination had run riot 
I listened to her politely
But I still remained quite quiet

Then many, many years later 
I penned a silly poem 
It seemed that people liked it
So perhaps I’m not so dumb 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Thursday 13 June 2024

13/06/2024 - The Fragility Of Life ❤️

Thursday 13th June

Life is so fragile- like a fine bone china cup 
One minute you are a young, like an excited pup 
The years roll by and you’ve not a care in the world
Life wrapped up with so many memories they swirl

You wake each day and make plans for the future 
Wishing and willing our retirement to come sooner
Sometimes life’s a battle of hard work and strife 
We have a great faith that we will live a long life

But we will always have tomorrow to do the things we want 
We almost become completely nonchalant 
Then out of the blue your life’s turned upside down 
Suddenly there is no way to turn it all around

As fragile as that cup that holds your daily tea
The future is never promised to you or to me 
So never take for granted the day you have been gifted 
Be thankful that you here and that you have existed 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Love sweet love

 What the world needs now is love sweet love 

If you can spread anything 
Spread love
Spread joy
Spread kindness
Spread compassion

There’s too much hatred in the world. Life is too short for negative energies. Don’t like someone - be polite - move on, don’t hang on to past negative experiences - there’s only one place to look - forwards! 

What that world needs now is love sweet love 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

12/06/2024 - Just Be You!

Wednesday 12th June 2024

Who decided double denim was a no no?
Who was it who said that is a no go?
What does it matter what I wear?
Why should anyone else care?
Why can’t we all just wear what we want 
And go around oh so nonchalant 
Why do we all feel the need to conform?
If we don’t follow the rules then we are not the norm!
I say do what you want and wear what you please 
After all who appointed anyone to be fashion police! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Tuesday 11 June 2024

11/06/2024 - The gift of sight

Tuesday 11/06/2024 

What a scary world it must be
To be blind - you cannot see
I can’t imagine what it’s like 
To not have the gift of sight 

To never see a bird 
Take flight upon its wings
To only be able to hear 
The song it beautifully sings

To never watch the waves
Crash upon the shore
Imaging the water washing 
Over that golden, sandy floor

To never see the views 
That rolls out over our lands 
To watch tall, green trees swaying
On a landscape they command 

So take a moment - stop and look
At what surrounds your current view 
Perhaps you may appreciate 
That view through eyes anew 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 11/06/2024 

Sunday 9 June 2024

Stay Here With Me

I wish I could take away your pain
I know that my prayers are in vain
I reach out and touch your hand 
“Close your eyes” I gently whisper 
Let me take you where things glitter
Let your mind drift across the universe
Forget about the illness you’ve been cursed
Let’s float amongst the moon and stars 
In our imagination we can go far 
Let our bodies just melt away
As if there is no night or day
Let wondrous things into your mind 
Go to a place that makes you spellbound 
I wish that you could stay here with me 
And we could laugh in the wind, sun and sea

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 14/9/23

Wednesday 5 June 2024

05/06/2024 - Simply Grow!

Wednesday 5th June

Don’t ever deny who you are 
Don’t ever set a really low bar
You can always achieve more than you know
Every day is a gift for you to simply grow! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Monday 3 June 2024

03/06/2024 - Rob Burrow

Wednesday 3 June 2024

You don’t have to live a long life
To live a good life
To live a life full of impact
To live a life that brings change
To live a life that inspires others
To live a full life
To live life with a smile on your face 

Rest in peace Rob Burrow  26/09/1982 - 02/06/2024
He made his “dash” really count ❤️😢

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet