
Monday 26 August 2024

26/08/24 - Doggy Deal

Monday 26th August 2024

We think that we pick them 
But what if they pick us?
Looking at the humans 
To find just one they trust 

Then they look into your eyes
And wait for your face to smile
The deal is done - the dice thrown
Your new dog friend is coming home

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 21 August 2024

22/08/2024 - The Wave of Grief

Wednesday 21st August 2024

You crept up behind me
Caught me unawares
Slipped into that moment
Like you really didn’t care 

I tried so hard not to listen
Not let those thoughts seep in
I bit my bottom lip so hard 
And tried to drown out your din

Round and round and round
You went 
Until my emotions were
All spent 

Then I found the release valve
And opened it right up 
The tears streamed down by cheeks
In my throat there was a lump

Grief you move silently
But are never far away
Reminding us of those we miss
Every single day 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Sunday 18 August 2024

18/02/2024 - Never, never, never …..

Sunday 18th August 2024

Never let unkind words drip from your mouth
Never spread hatred and lies
Never envy what others have
Never want more than you need
Never judge others 

Never - 5 little letters 
5 little letters - such a big word

Hard isn’t it?

Never forget to be grateful
Never forget to say please and thank you
Never forget to spread happiness and joy
Never forget to smile at a stranger 
Never forget to be kind
Never forget to pay it forward
Never forget we have one life
One shot at it
Never overthink it 
Remember nobody ever gets it all right! 
Never be too hard on yourself! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Saturday 17 August 2024

17/08/2024 - Beans or No Beans

Saturday 17th August 2024

Sausages were cooked and bacon was fried
There were times when patience was definitely tried

Carol was manning the orders for toast 
A full cooked breakfast ordered by most

A few burnt toast “frisbees” were tossed now and then 
Carol just shrugged, smiled and said I will do that again 🤣

Mim flipped the eggs and kept everyone stable
Assisted by Margaret who was more than able 

Ruth kept the coffee and tea flowing freely 
Not too many orders at once - ideally…..

Paul had his hands in the sink all day
He’s booked himself a manicure - or so they say! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

Beans or no beans was the shout of the morning
More bacon, more eggs poor Mim was calling

Helen and Jenny for dirty dishes went trawling
People reminiscing whilst old memories recalling

The ladies sold all sorts of goods and nice cakes 
Lots of lush goodies all lovingly baked.

And so it is that we say a huge thank you 
I’m off to get “no beans” as a tattoo 😂

Thank you to everyone who supported Carew Wesley’s breakfast fundraiser! Huge thank you to everyone who helped out - too many to mention! We could not have done it without them! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Thursday 15 August 2024

15/08/2024 - The Odd One Out

I push you gently in your place
You fell into the nearest space
Round and round and round you go
When it will stop, you just don’t know!
I reach inside to lift you out 
You were there, I have no doubt
No, I sweep my hand all around
Mmm that one odd sock - can’t be found 😂

Where do all the socks go……😂

Joanne C Hicks Pembrokeshire Poet copyright ©️ 

Sunday 11 August 2024

11/08/2024 - Beware The Written Word

Sunday 11th August 2024

Social media squirming, swirling and swarming
Making me paranoid - is that the truth you’re informing?
Every which way I look conspiracy stories being spun 
A few lines, a convincing photo and the lies have begun
Hatred being fuelled and people being cruel 
Words can be hurtful, aiming to divide and add fuel  
With A.I. peeping over the horizon - what is the truth?
What influence is this media having over our youth?
Then there is a glimmer of hope in the pit of darkness
A good deed is done and it softens the hardness
We must take a moment to reflect on our action 
And maybe not let social media become too big a distraction! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Saturday 10 August 2024

10/08/2024 - Love is never far away

Saturday 10th August 2024

Love is never far away
Even though you couldn’t stay
It’s always right in my heart 
Even though we are far apart
No day goes by without you here 
I always feel that you are near 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Friday 9 August 2024

09/08/2024 - How long is a piece of string….

Friday 9th August 2024

How do I know what to do and when 
If I don’t know how long my life will be …..

Don’t think about how long your life will be 
Think about how deep and meaningful you can make every day …….

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 5 August 2024

05/08/2024 - Follow The Path

Monday 5th August 2024

She wandered along the path
Not sure if she was going the right way
Not sure if she’d been down this path before
She stopped - ran her fingers through the long green grass
She took a moment to look around her 
So many paths
So many choices
Could she ever pick the wrong path?
No - every path offered up a new experience 
Savour the paths you travel upon 
You are always on the right path 
But you can switch direction any time 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet