
Saturday 29 June 2019

I’m on my way back ........ I hope 🀞🏻

So I’ve not disappeared you lovely people I’ve been tired and sleepy!  My hip is on the mend, albeit slowly but surely! It’s been a drag and it seems to have sucked my mind down with it - sat trying to think about a little blog - but nothing there, nowt - tumbleweed blowing  round and round and round. So I gave up - given it all to other things not by choice.

I’ve been re-visiting my youth as well with a Take That concert and then last weekend an amazing two nights rocking the local castle 🎀🎹🎸πŸ₯πŸŽŸ.  Status Quo, Gabrielle, Bonnie Tyler and Sister Sledge - what a couple of fabulous nights. Do you know the funniest thing of all - I can bounce, jig, jump and strut myself (because of course I think I’m the worlds greatest dancer once I get going - clearly that’s the vodka - or quite possibly me just being high on life πŸ˜‚) - anyway I can dance my little socks off and my hip is fine. 🀷🏻‍♀️ How bizarre is that?  Run - no - Dance for 4 hours solid - yes that’s fine - off you go πŸ˜‚.  At least I know if all else fails I can dance my way around Cardiff half marathon. πŸ’ƒ

Today though - today was a little breakthrough day. We took the idiot dogs for a walk, I popped my trainers on - ever hopeful - clinging to that memory of what it was like to pull them on and go for a run (or walk/shuffle in my case πŸƒ‍♀️).  Off we set and I thought let’s try a little run - just a little gentle jog for 30 seconds - I felt ok πŸ‘ŒπŸ».  My hip is still not quite recovered but no longer squealing with every step - just that annoying niggle. So I did a bit of running on our walk and I do mean a little.

Do you know it felt so good - it’s like it frees your mind, body and soul - it just brings a whole sense of freedom - my mind felt free and it just felt good being outside. The sun was shining (well I lie a bit there - the sun was playing hide and seek with the clouds ⛅️) but hey it was warm and dry. The birds were singing - not as well as me at Take That and the castle πŸ˜‚(cats chorus 😸) - there were butterflies bobbing around on all the plants. The flowers were standing proud, swaying, showing off their colour in all their glory - it was like they were saying “I’m alive and happy just simply being here”.  You see you just don’t get that feeling in a gym - it’s static, stale and boring - I don’t think the other members like me singing out loud. However when at one with nature - well - they don’t care what I sing and how bad I sound.

So today we moved a tiny bit closer to getting back out there. I’ve promised my osteopath that I will embrace the cross training to be a better stronger walk/jogger (and no that doesn’t mean me just being angry whilst running 😑). Hopefully that will help avoid injuries - we shall see. So sadly the gym and I need to make friends and people are going to have to put up with me desperately counting every length I manage in the pool whilst breathing heavily and spluttering 🏊🏻‍♀️. I will get there πŸ‘πŸ»

Today’s highlights :-
- Feeling like writing a little blog
- Having a BBQ in the garden
- Relaxing with a G and T in the sunshine (not while running)
- Lucy Lou putting both front paws straight into a muddy pool as we were about to get back in the car πŸ™ˆ- worse than children my dogs 🐢🀦🏻‍♀️.

So happy Saturday folks!

Remember love yourself, love others and just be kind. If you can’t do those things try drinking gin and giving it another go πŸ˜‚πŸΎπŸ₯‚πŸ’ž.

#MentalHealth #LookAfterYou #OthersAreWorseOff #TreasureTheLittleThings #WLB ❤️

The road to recovery

Oh dear me I feel so sick
I really need to get a grip.
I’ve pulled on my running gear
But running properly - I’m no-where near!

So it’s all down to my poor old hip
Tendinitis- just a minor slip...
Alas not quite it’s been a while
I’ve nearly lost my ability to smile!

So there I sat feeling ill
Sat on the sofa ever so still.
The green light given to have a gentle jog
Just in 30 second bouts - surely that can’t be a slog?

So why did I feel like my legs were heavy
Sat watching Corrie all prepped and ready.
Couldn’t quite move from my cosy pit
Honest truth - nerves - feeling like I wanted to quit.

Finally I make my way out the door
Feet ready to hit the floor.
One minute walking and a short slow jog
Surely that won’t be too much of a slog?

Off I set feeling like a novice
But heart and feet full of promise.
Alas not so much from my pesky hip
It really giving me a bit of jip.

Who knew just once around the field
Would be so hard  - all the way round I squealed!
Not giving up I struggled on
Finished my lap and I was done.

So I won’t give up oh no not me
Back to the bike and maybe a swim in the sea?
Maybe I could just take up dancing instead
And waving arms high above my head πŸ˜‚πŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️