
Saturday 29 June 2019

The road to recovery

Oh dear me I feel so sick
I really need to get a grip.
I’ve pulled on my running gear
But running properly - I’m no-where near!

So it’s all down to my poor old hip
Tendinitis- just a minor slip...
Alas not quite it’s been a while
I’ve nearly lost my ability to smile!

So there I sat feeling ill
Sat on the sofa ever so still.
The green light given to have a gentle jog
Just in 30 second bouts - surely that can’t be a slog?

So why did I feel like my legs were heavy
Sat watching Corrie all prepped and ready.
Couldn’t quite move from my cosy pit
Honest truth - nerves - feeling like I wanted to quit.

Finally I make my way out the door
Feet ready to hit the floor.
One minute walking and a short slow jog
Surely that won’t be too much of a slog?

Off I set feeling like a novice
But heart and feet full of promise.
Alas not so much from my pesky hip
It really giving me a bit of jip.

Who knew just once around the field
Would be so hard  - all the way round I squealed!
Not giving up I struggled on
Finished my lap and I was done.

So I won’t give up oh no not me
Back to the bike and maybe a swim in the sea?
Maybe I could just take up dancing instead
And waving arms high above my head 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

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