
Saturday 11 May 2019

Be More Cat 🐈.........πŸ€”

So I’m embracing my new found fitness plan to hopefully get me back on track with my running. My new gym membership is in full swing- today’s activity - swimming.

I cannot remember the last time I went swimming - you know like proper swimming and not chasing my grandchildren around the pool pretending to be a shark or throwing plastic toys for them to fetch from the pool floor - like little human dogs these grandchildren πŸ˜‚.

So I dug out my costume and decided to brave it πŸ™ˆ- it’s really not a pretty sight. I mean you think it’s bad enough my chubby chunky thighs controlled under Lycra bouncing about while I run, plod and crawl around the village. These bad boys exposed - wow there is nothing to control them.  So costume on - lovely orange dimply thighs proudly on display wobbling about,  I strode towards the pool - where I promptly nearly fell into the pool as the first step down was way deeper than I realised. Oops that could have been embarrassing πŸ˜‚. I was away - not that I was powering down the pool like an Olympic athlete - really it was more like a dog wading through the water paws sprawling everywhere making a big splash - head bobbing up in attempt to stop the water going in my eyes and up my nose. 🏊🏻‍♀️

It did strike me as I was cruising through the chlorine filled pool that maybe runners could be put in two camps - not to offend anyone mind - please bear in mind this is tongue in cheek.  You see I think there are the “dog” runners - so this is me - oh oh oh a race, a race - I wanna do it, I wanna do it - please -.oh look at the shiny medal πŸ…. I will start training for it soon..... mmmm race day approaching fast - not trained enough - never mind run run run - it will be ok - finish race - take lots of pics with medal and t-shirt (which you don’t really know where you are going to wear 🀷🏻‍♀️) and then realise in your post “dog” excitement that you’ve once again picked up an injury πŸ€”.

Then there are the “cat” runners πŸƒ‍♀️- this is where I need to get to. “Cat” runners are smart - cat runners know that those with long term goals to run forever need to cross train. So off they go and spend some time doing the things they don’t like quite as much as running. swimming, cycling, rowing, yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️ and stuff like that.  The cat runners are smiling because come race day - Chicks the “dog” is running wildly behind them - stopping to high five anyone who offers and pulling over to pick out some jelly babies with a ohhh thank you πŸ™πŸ» 😍.  Maybe even having a little dance as I’m distracted by the fab music blasting out - then thinking mmmm I never did see that “cat” runner again πŸ˜‚.

Anyway for me - my problems are down to sitting down all day, not training sensibly and I hate to say it being more “mature” in years and generally unfit - probably a bit lazy and addicted to sugar as well - oh and fond of gin 🍸🀣. So I know there are lots of you runners out there that only run and are fabulous and doing fine.  Don’t let me put anyone off though from having a go - download couch to 5k today - do it - if I can anyone can! πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒπŸ»‍♂️

So this is me - I’m being more “cat” but to be honest I will always be a loyal dog lover at heart. After all the party is always at the back!❤️ 🐢

#SexyPace  #DoingMyOwnThing #NeverTooOld #MentalHealth #BeMoreCat 😸

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