
Monday 6 May 2019

I don’t wish to “mown”

Well what can I say - my weekend involved doing something I’ve not done for years and years - I broke through that psychological bubble and took a deep breath and went to the gym 😱.

So here is the deal - I have a bad hip - so I’m on a running ban. My only option to get over this was to bite the bullet and venture into the world of cross training. So I had to embrace something new to do along side running (once my hip plays ball) - so something like cycling, rowing, swimming - three of my favourite things - NOT πŸ˜‚.

So I took myself off to a local spa - lovely setting - nice pool, gym, jacuzzi, sauna and treatment rooms for massage, pedicures etc - you get the picture.

So I committed to a three month membership - see if this sorts out my hip and maybe brings along some lovely stress free times.m with some nice treatments.   Contrary to my friends kind Facebook post reminding me to pop some clothes on before I go on my bike - I decided yes naked cycling could be off putting so I best pop my kit on not off πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚.

 So today for the first time in years my little bottom (well I say little .....) found itself on the exercise bike and rowing machine. The worst bit?  Sat on a bike staring at the treadmill and wishing I could go on that instead! Also it was quite a challenge not to burst into song every now and then - also I had to refrain from doing little dance moves with my arms as well! See the benefits of running solo and outside - you can have a little dance and sing and nobody sees it or hears you. I did get a couple of odd looks from my fellow gym goers as I had to pretend I was just stretching my arms out not busting out some moves πŸ˜‚. They may not let me back.

So I return home - knock out a roast dinner and ate my lemon meringue pie guilt free. Lovely - I was ready for a kip on the sofa - what better way to spend the bank holiday.  That was until hubby announces we need to mow the lawns. When he says WE he means ME - he’s still on light duties following his operation. Reluctantly I dig out my wellies and slap a smile on - of course darling let’s go smash it.  I can tell you that smile did not last long. Man those petrol mowers take some starting, I’m pulling that bit of string like my life depends on it - George having to hold the handle lever thingy in because I can’t pull and hold that in. We were like Laurel and Hardy out there - I’m sure the neighbours had a hoot. And how quickly does that stupid box fill up with grass - I had to get George to keep the mower running while I emptied it as I couldn’t face trying to start the flipping thing again πŸ˜‚.  I finished the front lawn - let the mower go off - his lordship says - no no you need to cut it twice 😑- mmmmm go back to your strimmer I think πŸ€”.  So off I go again - apparently I had not given myself a wide enough “turning” area - I should have mown three strips so I could turn more easily. Whatever. I also had to contend with a load of bees who it seems have made a nest in the front lawn.  Well I guess that is better than last years visitor - Mr Mole.

At last we are done - “oh look” I say “the green bin is full so we won’t be able to do the back lawn - never mind” I chirp. “Oh no” he says “we can push that down and get more in” - there he was again using that WE word - what he meant was I could push it down. πŸ€”

Off we go to the back garden - at least nobody can see me taking 10 attempts to get the mower going I thought. So on I go - mowing away. At one stage I somehow got in a right pickle and the mower was dragging me along and my brain would not engage on how to stop it! Yeah those large stones pretty much stopped it 🀭- quick check George still strimming at the other end of garden so mums the word 🀫.

Mower stopped again - by now George has taken to standing ahead of me waggling his finger where I need to mow so I am no longer even attempting to smile. I can’t start the flipping mower again - pulling pulling pulling - huffing huffing huffing. Finally I just bleat our that I can’t do it - I can’t start it. The icing on the cake - “oh it’s probably out of petrol” he says. I had no words other than “well you best fill it up then” massive sigh 😑getting very cross now.

Honestly if I had known that job was looming I would not have spent the morning at the gym- there really would have been no need.

In fact I’m thinking I should be offering a mowing service and get paid for it  - it’s a bit like taking the shaver over someone’s hair - like giving the lawn a little haircut πŸ˜‚.  Problem is I don’t think my customers would want to hold the lever in while I empty the cuttings just so I don’t have to restart it all the time πŸ˜‚. Mown over and moan over πŸ˜‚

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