
Saturday 27 April 2019

I don’t want to bruise my peaches πŸ‘πŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️πŸ€”

I know I know - I disappeared - off radar - to be honest I am nursing a hip injury. A result of poor training so completely self inflicted. It’s ok I’ve taken professional advice about it and the advice:-
No running - no walking 🚷- NO 😱😫. Very frustrating and annoying.

It would seem that I have to re-think my approach - you can’t sit all day for long periods and then go flying around the village, thinking you are Paula Radcliffe with bad taste in music. To think I had just downloaded a best of the musicals album to listen to whilst running - I was going to be defying gravity, dreaming a dream, donning my multi coloured coat and all that jazz.   Alas that soundtrack will have to wait until Joe Bloggs is fully recovered ......... or will it......

So it seems I need to do cross training - non-weight bearing exercise to complement the running. Well that’s all I’m allowed to do until my hip is better - what is that I hear you say? The suggestion
Cycling or swimming
No and no - that was my immediate reaction πŸ˜‚.

Well I had to take on board the sound advice given which to be fair I had paid to hear!

So what’s a girl to do 🀷🏻‍♀️. Well I can’t listen to my music in the swimming pool so it looks like it may have to be a bike πŸ™ˆ. I had a little trial while away as I used my daughters exercise bike - man o man that saddle did not half hurt my amply padded bottom. Ouch that hurt - put me off a bit to be honest.

So I’m contemplating using a proper bike - I like to get outdoors but I’m not sold on the idea. Not after what my poor bottom endured this week and a few short cycling sessions.

So let’s watch this space ......... I need to do something and find something I like and also something that doesn’t make my bottom feel like it’s lost all feeling and is more bruised than James Giant Peach πŸ‘

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