
Monday 1 April 2019

The Glass of Life

Do you ever feel that going through life is like watching that glass of water going down and down.   Sometimes you think that you have reached the bottom of your glass, it feels like you are chasing the final drips around the bottom of the glass - desperately trying to make those tiny droplets quench your thirst for life.  Some days it just feels like the glass is so full of emptiness it will never be full of life  again.

Then when we least expect it something comes along and fills that glass back up - life and living - that’s what fills that glass back up. People and laughter - that’s what fills that glass back up. Loving and feeling loved - that’s what fills that glass back up.  Giving more than you receive in life that’s what fills that glass back up.  Being in the moment helps us to evaluate those hard bumps in the road of life - sometimes the bumps are so big we may never get over them, always feeling like we are climbing up them, alone and feeling lonely. But sit back - look around - reach out - often you realise you are never really alone. Someone or something comes along that makes you appreciate you may be feeling lost in that moment but there is often a hand and a heart reaching in to gently pull you out.

It will be those small things in life - the things that just make you stop and smile for a moment - these things make us appreciate where we are.

I know that sometimes the glass is cracked or chipped and may never feel full again - but those moments are there that will help fill your glass up. Life is strange - if you ever feel like your glass is running dry don’t despair human nature is such that it will fill up again. If you want to help fill up the glass of life do some random acts of kindness - you will be surprised what a difference it can make. That gesture can sometimes be all that person needed to know that somebody cares about them.

So try it - see if you can replenish the glass - it’s doesn’t matter if it’s yours, mine or someone else’s - turn on the tap of life and let it flow come what may ❤️

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