
Sunday 4 August 2019

A day on the beach

Birds flying up, oh so high
Way up into the marshmallow like sky.

Kites dancing around, up and down
Like sheets billowing all around.

Birds swooping over us ready to dive
Like they are coming in for a high five.

Dogs with their owners; allowed to run free
Tails wagging, barking - so full of glee.

Birds flying lower - harmless creatures so it seems
Until they swoop in to steal your ice-cream!

Little children paddling in the sea
Giggling and laughing - oh so free.

Couples walking hand in hand
Their bodies boasting a glowing tan.

An elderly couple watching the sunset
Neither wants to leave just yet.

Teenagers playing a game of football
Soon it becomes a free for all.

So much laughter, tears, fun and joy
For every man, woman, girl and boy.

Then the light begins to fade
Just one couple on the promenade.

Then they have all gone home
The birds are now all alone.

All you can hear is the sound of the sea
Waves crashing on the sand so subtly.

The day is over, the day is done
24 hours since it begun.....

Beautiful beaches - special times

Sunset over Llanelli 

Saturday 3 August 2019

Reclaim your youth - be brave!

I am going in come what may
Heading straight into that sea spray.
My belly rounded and thighs wobbling
Feet look like they belong to a goblin!

But do you know what I do not care.
So what if my body is like a conference pear?
It has served me well - I can't complain
So I am sorry if it causes you eye strain!

It is not about how you look
Those super models in those books.
Not real women like you and me
So come on ladies - hear my plea.

Just get out there - go and do it
Don't ever feel like some misfit.
It is your body - it serves a function
All it takes is a bit of gumption.

Take the plunge and set yourself free
Run girl run right into the sea.
Let the waves wash right over you
Despite the fact you are turning blue!

Now don't you feel oh so good
Reclaiming your lost girlhood.
See never think you are some has been
Now go and pour a great big gin!