
Thursday 21 November 2019

In cahoots with fitness.....🤔🏊🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

“Are we going - are we going - you know you said you would
You said you were going - you know you really should.”
Say the voices in my head knowing I’d like to go to bed
I really could stay at home and watch TV instead.

Reluctantly I consider the proposition that’s been made
You remind yourself you are on a personal crusade.
I find my insides screeching - staying in would be just peachy
But those voices in your head are really rather screechy.

I drag my weary body off the oh so comfy sofa
I’m going to go and swim like a forceful supernova!
I pack my little rucksack and sling it on my back.
I expect by the time we hit Christmas I’ll be nurturing a six pack.

I’ve had a very busy day running here and there
I’ve smiled oh so sweetly and been rather debonair.
Up and down the stairs, my bum hardly on my chair.
The thought of going swimming is just to much to bear.

I’m finally on my way and I’m feeling rather proud
I finally conceded and to that pesky voice I bowed!
Pah I put that voice to sleep and now I cannot hear a peep
From the sofa to the pool truly was a giant leap.

Besides if the truth be known there’s more than meets the eye
I need to go swimming - I did eat that mince pie 🥧
Besides my stinky hair needs washing and I’m not even joshing.
It’s dark and cold outside so maybe this beats jogging 🤷🏻‍♀️.

I soon feel the water washing all around my limbs
I’m sure when I get out the pool I will be super slim!
The troubles of the day begin to slip away.
I will be ready for Red January come what may.

So 40 minutes later and lots of lengths completed
Those stress demons in my mind have truly been defeated
My head is crystal clear and I’m feeling quite refreshed.
Who knew a dip in water would leave me at my best.

So when you’ve had a busy day and you’re feeling very tired 💤
You know if you go do something it will leave you feeling wired
Dig deep my friends - down to your boots
Who knows you and fitness may end up in cahoots!

#MIND #Fitness #Swimming #REDis coming #LCW2020 #Cardiff2020
Just do it 👍🏻🏃‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️🏊🏻‍♀️🧘🏼

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