
Saturday 11 March 2023

Black Dog

Black dog, black dog you swarm into my life.

You creep in and swamp me,

and tape shut my mouth.

You dampen all feelings 

And extinguish all joy.

You’ve blown a dark, joyless fog

Into all parts of mind.

When I look at my reflection

I don’t recognise this vision.

Eyes full of despair,

I feel so lost and alone.

Black dog, black dog you swarm into my life.

An invisible blanket taking my life.

J C Hicks 11/3/23 copyright ©️ 

Monday 6 March 2023

You Chose To Cross The Final Bridge

You Chose To Cross The Final Bridge 

Just like that you were gone.
I don’t know how I can carry on.
As quick as it takes to flick a switch.
You chose to go over your final bridge.

In an instance all our lives changed. 
We are left - feeling alone and estranged.
You woke up and decided you could take no more.
Why couldn’t you see how much you were cared for.

Feelings of anger surge through my body.
You just checked out and left everybody. 
I’m searching to understand how you felt. 
Despair and hopelessness at the hand dealt?

I’m grieving for such an enormous loss. 
Waves of sadness and anger, I feel so cross.
I’d give anything to just turn back the clock. 
So I could sit with you and we’d just talk.

What can be so bad that you chose this route.
For you to look at your life and decide to check out.
I feel my tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.
This simple emotion, yet volumes it speaks.

I want to scream and shout out loud. 
I feel so alone, even when sat in this crowd.
Alone with my thoughts and unanswered questions.
If you’d have talked it through I’d have made suggestions. 

I was there for you, I was on your side. 
What was it that made your world collide?
Collide and implode with some deep dark secret.
That sent you spiralling into a deep dark rut.

I can’t stop these tears from falling from my eyes.
I should really be sat here full of hate and despise.
I will never understand why you did what you did.
Your sadness and despair you cleverly hid. 

I will cherish our memories of all the good times together.
Who knew I’d soon just be left with memories to treasure.
As quick as it takes to flick a switch. 
You chose to go over your final bridge. 

J C Hicks 28/2/2023 copyright 


Saturday 4 March 2023

A Broken Mind

A Broken Mind

I hear you’ve broken your arm.
How on earth did you come to such harm?
Are you in pain? Does it hurt very much?
How annoying you can’t grip or even touch.

I hear you’ve twisted your ankle. 
Fell over and landed at the wrong angle.
I can see how hard it is for you to walk.
I’m here if you want to just sit and talk.

I hear you slipped and broke a rib. 
How on earth did you manage to trip?
I can see the pain you are in as you breathe.
You are doing it through gritted teeth. 

I hear you took a nasty tumble. 
You’ve every right to moan and grumble.
I can see that awful cut on your arm.
You rest up and stay nice and warm.

I hear that she’s just sits around.
Miserable face and deep seated frown.
She never wants to sit and chat.
I can’t be bothered with any of that.

I’m trapped within my own head.
Some days I just lay on my bed.
My mind is broken but nobody knows 
You see broken minds just don’t show.

I try and get out of these four walls.
Sometime I just can’t answer my calls.
So I sit and watch the clock - tick tock. 
If only I had someone who’d just sit and talk.

Mental health is invisible to you and I.
So if someone is aloof maybe ask yourself why. 
Physical injuries are so clear to see. 
A broken mind could happen to you or me.

#mentalhealth #invisibleinjury #pain #talk #bekind

J C Hicks 28/2/23 copyright ©️