
Thursday 29 February 2024

29/02/2024 - standing in line

Thursday 29th February 

All they did was stand in line
A bit of food - it should be fine
But chaos broke out all around
Screaming and shouting, a terrifying sound 
Nobody knowing which way to run 
All they could hear was the sound of a gun
All they did was stand in line 
Starving, scared - so far from fine

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 28 February 2024

28/02/2024 - Goodbye Sunshine

Wednesday 28th February 2024

The light slowly slipped away
Before she left she had this to say
Make sure you shine as bright as you can 
Remember I am your biggest fan 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 27 February 2024

27/2/24 - Who will call me dad?

Tuesday 27th February 

Surrounded by destruction
Every where we look 
Living in daily fear
Last night the building shook

Death on every corner
Families displaced 
All the beauty around us
Has now been brutally replaced 

Now I sit here
Head in hands 
Both sides making
Their demands

Yet in the middle
Here we sit
It takes all our strength 
Not to quit

As I sit I ask myself
Who will call me dad?
This war has taken my future
And it makes me really sad 

I dreamt of a future
With my wife by my side 
Now we just spend our days 
Sobbing as we hide 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 26 February 2024

26/02/2024 - Where’s The Moon

Monday 26th February 

I reached way up into the sky
The moon was up so very high
I stood upon my tippy toes 
I felt I could touch it with my nose
I grabbed that ball and pulled it down
And put it on my head just like a crown 
I never want to put it back so now I have a special brag
When you can’t see the moon, it’s coz I keep it in my bag! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 25 February 2024

25/02/2024 - Look at the stars…..

Sunday 25th February 2024

The clouds draw in
Dark and black
Gathered in 
Without a crack

But behind that dark curtain
Shines a light 
Lights that shine
Every night

We can’t always see 
The diamonds in the sky
But know that they are there 
Glittering way up high

A galaxy of planets and stars
Housing mysteries from afar 
Like faith we just know
Behind the clouds are shining stars 

Pembrokeshire Poet (Facebook)

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 24 February 2024

24/02/2024 - Steak stealing pooch

Saturday 24th February 2024

Benji excelled himself on this very night
He stole a steak and decided to take flight
He ran underneath the table 
Steak hanging from his mouth
Then realised that he’d have to spit it out
Not because he stole it, oh no he didn’t care
Because the steak wasn’t cooked so wasn’t even rare!  

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 23 February 2024

23/02/2024 - The invisible thread

Friday 23 February 2024

My life is hanging by a thread
An invisible thread
I can’t see it
I can’t touch it
I can’t feel it
But it’s there
I have no idea how long the thread is
The only thing I know is that one day ….
The thread will be break
As it breaks for all of us 
So never waste a moment 
Treasure every day 
Be grateful for that thread
It holds a lifetime of memories 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 22 February 2024

22-02-2024 - It’s raining again 🙈

Thursday 22nd February 2024

It’s raining and pouring again 
I wish it would stay on the plain!
The roads are flooded and fields awash 
The sound of water going swish and swash
I’m fed up of these wet, dull days
I can’t wait to feel the suns warm rays! 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 21 February 2024

21-02-2024 - Breathtaking

Wednesday 21st February 

Forgotten memories resurfaced this week
The truth being unveiled upon our screens 
The “truth” that was spun and the risks taken 
The real threat sadly very much mistaken 

Breathtaking laying the drama out bare
Health workers doing their best to care
Trying to treat and heal in impossible circumstances 
Changing regulations leading them merry dances 

How did they do this relentless task day after day?
Yet the government cannot agree to increase their pay?

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 20 February 2024

20/02/2024 - Carefree

 Tuesday 20th February 

Your mind is open and free
A life full of joy and glee
You only live in the moment, right there 
A guilt free existence, living without a care
The life of a child just how it should be 
Carefree, joyful, happy and free 

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 19 February 2024

19/02/2024 - Dancing Catkins

Monday 19th February 2024

I saw a cluster of beautiful kittens tails
Hanging from a tree
They were billowing like ships sails
Gently swaying in the breeze

The first early signs of spring
Those fuzzy catkins on display
A sign that new life is on its way 
As those catkins dance and sway

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 18 February 2024

18/02/2024 - Sunday Vibes

 Sunday 18 February 

With all the troubles in the world 
Of course it’s right we’re all concerned 
But take a moment on this Sunday 
Reflect, be grateful come what may

It’s easy to let it all spin around 
Feeling fearful, scared and down
Spend a moment letting it all go
Try and just let positive energy flow! 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 17 February 2024

17/02/2024 - Happy Birthday uncle Gra!

Saturday 17th February 

Another trip around the sun 
75 years since your life adventure had begun
A day to celebrate in style
Really go the extra mile

The wine and beer will be flowing 
Not too much or your cheeks will be glowing! 
So we are raising a glass to you, Uncle Graham 
If someone says it’s your round just play dumb 😉

Joanne C Hicks 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet 

Friday 16 February 2024

16-02-2024 - Hello Sunshine!

Friday 16th February 

The sun peeped out from behind the clouds
I felt it’s beams stroking my face
The warmth that fell upon my body
Was comforting like a reassuring blanket
I knew this moment would not last
So I stopped, sat down 
and let the world pass me by

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 15 February 2024

15/02/2024 - Checking In ……

 Thursday 15th February 

Hello are you checking in?

Errr I don’t know - I don’t quite understand what’s going on

Don’t worry it’s going to be fine - what do you remember? 

Well - I was sat on my sofa, thinking about things I’ve been putting off doing but really want to do. 

Like what?

I don’t know, spend more time with family, cook more, love more, appreciate nature more. Maybe travel a bit more, make new friends, connect with old friends, get fit - stupid stuff really.

And now……

Now I don’t know where I am or what’s happened? I don’t remember - I was sat watching TV and then darkness and I wake up here

In heaven 

Oh - what? Oh no - that can’t be right, I’m too young. I always thought I had loads of time to live my life …..

Sadly we never know how long we’ve got - but you know it’s all going to be fine - look over there, all these people and pets have been patiently waiting for you. It’s all going to be ok. 

How long is a piece of string - who knows - how long do we have here - nobody knows. Live in the moment and appreciate the small things more.  Life can be tough but you’d be surprised at how much joy the simple things can bring. 

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 14 February 2024

14/02/2024 - Goodbye Hurts

Wednesday 14th February 

When you wake up the next day 
And find your loved one has slipped away
The pain you feel can be too great to bear
When their voice is the only one you want to hear

Your heart feels like it’s in an all embracing vice 
Your whole body feels like it’s encased in ice
Your untimely passing so hard to believe 
All we are left with is reflecting on what you achieved

It feels like our lives will never be the same again 
All we can cling to is that we will meet again - but when?
Salt laden tears flow freely down my face 
All I long for is to just feel your warm embrace 

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 


Tuesday 13 February 2024

Happy pancake day! 😂

 I made a bit of batter
And put it in the pan
The mixture seeped to the side
That’s where the problem began 

I picked up the pan and flipped my pancake up 
And on the ceiling it’s still stuck 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

13/02/2024 - Aww Wrighty - we will miss you ❤️

Tuesday 13th February 

Decade after decade you were a familiar voice
You were most definitely our DJ of choice
You’d keep us company each and every day 
Playing beautiful love songs on Sundays 

You made millions laugh, cry and smile
Even on the days when we had to drive miles
You were with us on our long weary journeys 
Your laughter helping to melt away our worries

Your wit and warmth radiated through the radio 
Despite you being miles away in your studio
You were truly loved and will be greatly missed 
Oh fate why have you delivered such a cruel heartbreaking twist

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 


Monday 12 February 2024

12/02/2024 - Live Your Life!

Monday 12th February 

When I’m dead and gone
And I’ve sung my final song
Don’t put your life on hold for me 
Maybe shed a tear but be glad I’m free

You are still here on this earth 
So don’t underestimate your worth
Don’t wallow, cry and stay at home
There is a whole world for you to roam 

So live your life - don’t mourn for me
I am gone but we’ll meet again, you’ll see
So live each day that you’ve been blessed
As for me, I will be in a tranquil place at rest 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 11 February 2024

11-02-2024 - Petals In The Sand

Sunday 11-02-2024 

The sea danced over the soft white sands
It gently rolled over the grains, like massaging hands
The sands gently shifted and moved with each flow 
As the wave draws back the movement begins to slow
In out in out 
Repeated day by day
And as the waves slowly roll back the sand settles 
All that’s left of this daily dance are shapes formed like petals

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 10 February 2024

10-02-2024- Birdsong

Saturday 10th February 

I stop and take rest on the bench down by the river 
A fresh winter day, it’s cold and makes me shiver
I move to go on my way along the muddy path
When downs pops a blackbird using a puddle as a bath
I stop and stand in silence while I watch him splash about 
I stand and listen and realise there is birdsong throughout
Hiding in the trees and bushes sending up their chorus 
It’s like the birds have put on a show specifically for us
Perhaps they were reminding me how great Mother Nature is
And all it’s beauty, charm and wonder it freely gives 

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 9 February 2024

09-02-2024 - The Race Of A Lifetime 🤔

Friday 9th February 2024

The two old men stood on the start line
Two very different men
Both mature in age
Both living by very different moral codes
Both entering the race of a lifetime 
So much at stake……

The one didn’t start the race 
He couldn’t remember why he was there 
The other didn’t move off the start line
He thought he could just talk a good race 

The loser?
The public who deserved more choice 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 8 February 2024

08-02-2024 -Dance Your Sole Away 😂😩🤔

Thursday 8th February 2024

I danced the night away
My hips did swing and sway
I danced like nobody was looking 
But I seemed to lose my footing
I looked down in confused despair
My poor left boot needed a repair
I danced so hard I’d broken the poor sole
Inside my boot was now a gaping hole!
So the moral of the story - if you wanted to know
When dancing with all your soul beware of your sole! 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 7 February 2024

07-02-2024 - The Old Oak Tree

 Wednesday 7th February 2024

May I rest here for a while
Said the Robin to the tree
Yes of course said the oak 
Please, feel free

The Robin sat awhile 
Admiring the view
The tree made no noise 
Until the Robin upped and flew

His branches creaked and swayed
As the wind rustled through his leaves
It is one’s duty to offer safety to another
This is what that old oak firmly believes 

It was a place of refuge 
For so many seeking shelter 
That large, old oak tree
Really was a great protector 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 6 February 2024

06-02-2024 - check your puppies and jewels!!!

Tuesday 6th February 

Check your puppies and jewels!!!

I have a little message 
If you could stop for just a mo
It could save your life
So it’s a good tip to know!

Ladies check your boobs
It’s quick enough to do
Fellas check your tackle 
It’s not some strange voodoo!

If we check our bits and bobs
As often as we can 
Then we might just spot a change 
It’s goes for a woman or a man 

So ladies coppa feel
Of your puppies on your chest 
Gentlemen cup your jewels 
Put your touch to the test!

None of us want to find
A scary lump or change 
But it’s still so important 
To know our normal range! 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Copyright ©️ 

Monday 5 February 2024

05-02-2024 - Can We Be Friends?

Monday 5th February 2024 

I don’t think she likes me very much
I just don’t know what to do
I smile and ask how are you 
But she just looks right on through

I tried to stop and talk to her 
But she’s just gone in a whirl
I don’t know what it is I’ve done 
I’m really rather nice and fun! 

I suppose I have to reflect 
And treat her with respect
So no more wasting energy 
Worrying about yesterday 

I guess we are all different 
To think otherwise is ignorant 
But we should all still be nice
And here endeth my advice 😂

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 4 February 2024

04-02-2024 - Feather From Heaven

Sunday 4th February 

I sent a sign tumbling down
It gently fell upon the ground
I watched as you reached out your hand
Then stood and looked all around

I saw the look upon your face 
You knew this was our special place
I watched as you caressed the feather 
Both of us wishing we were still together 

You drop your hand by your side
The feather gently down did glide 
You lift your face up to the sky 
Why oh why did we have to say goodbye 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 3 February 2024

3-2-24 - Glasses

Saturday 3-2-2024 - Glasses

I slip my reading glasses on the side
Confident that tomorrow on my nose they’ll glide

Confident that tomorrow I will still be me
Confident that I will need them to see

I crawl into my comfy bed
Laying down my weary head 

There lie her glasses on the side 
I pick them up and begin to cry

She thought she’d still be here today 
But it was her turn to slip away 

I run my fingers across the smooth frame 
I stand and wonder - will I ever see you again? 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 2 February 2024

02-02-2024 - Hello Friday

Friday 2nd February 

The day is done
The working week gone
Its time to relax, chill and unwind 
It’s time for you to empty your mind!
So grab that corkscrew and unleash the wine 
The rugby has started so all will be fine 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️