
Saturday 28 September 2019

Strong lady πŸ€”πŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸ’ͺ🏻

Strong legs
Strong head
Strong body

Mmmmmm - well this was my mantra this morning. Shhhh we must not tell my brain that the above may not be true 🀫. I’m trying to convince myself of the above and not let my brain communicate with my body as it goes like this .....
My hip is hurting
What’s that pain in my calf
I think I need a wee
C-a-n’t  b-r-e-a-t-h-e
Pain in my toe
Thirsty thirsty thirsty
Ohhh my hip is definitely hurting (it’s not!)
I definitely need a wee
Break out the jelly babies Chicks
I couldn’t possibly run another step .....

Mmmmmm move over brain - stop it just stop it.

Last long run today pre Cardiff Half next Sunday - 10k - trouble is I’m not quite sure I can double that distance..... time will tell I guess.

Strong legs, strong head and strong body..... yes yes yes - well almost πŸ˜‚πŸ€₯.

#CardiffHalf2019 #MIND #WhyWeRun #RunningForIola #RunForFun #RunWalkRun
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What’s a girl supposed to do when she’s eaten her emergency Bounty - asking for a friend πŸ˜‚

Thursday 26 September 2019

I broke out the emergency Bounty......

Hello - hello - hello - you lovely people.  Yes I am still here - I am still going - I am still plodding on,  Chicks is plodding on.  My head ran out of space - my head has run out of space - I am spaced out.  🀩

I have been very busy training for the Cardiff Half marathon 🎽- I have been jogging (plodding) around the village week after week - ticking off the runs on the training plan (which I may not have stuck to religiously!).  Anyway between trying to juggle running, swimming and that thing called work (yes I am still doing that - well I turn up daily, run around a lot, juggle lots of balls - fail at achieving to do lists but they are still paying me so shhhhhhh - doing my best! 🏫) - so I felt like there has been no more room left in my head to blog. I expect you have all missed me greatly - not. What you did not even notice I had stopped ....... you were enjoying the radio silence..... mmmmmmm.

So it is now only a few more days to the BIG run - the half marathon.  So tonight I roll in from work and I really, really, really do not want to go out.  I forced myself to get my kit on, lifted a little bit by the fact that I could pull on my brand new race t-shirt from the Swansea Bay 10k completed Sunday πŸ’–.  Oh lovely - that was a momentary lift.  So I am all set - delay, delay, delay - check Facebook, play with phone - ponder which music to listen to - dance in the kitchenπŸ’ƒ - well a girl does have to warm up properly..... finally I am out the door, on my way.

To say it was a bit windy is an understatement - gosh nearly blew my hat right off.  Another run underway - as I flew down the road (that was the wind not me running fast by the way) I got to thinking - the biggest barrier to going and getting out for a run is YOU! (No not you - me - well - you - well you know what I mean).  That physical and mental barrier - the door.  Getting your little chubby legs over that front door feels impossible at times - and as for getting past that mental block doorway in your head - that is a whole other level!  I don't know why I find it so hard just to get my kit on (better than ripping my kit off me thinks 🀣) - I could get arrested for that sort of behaviour) but I do find it hard to just get up and go.  Sometimes I have to give myself a good talking to for about an hour before I can get out the door - gosh in that time I could have been out and run 5k, stopped for ice-cream, taken a dozen selfies and got home.

Anyway - I was very pleased to get out, not having run since Sunday and also given the fact that I had to break out my emergency Bounty 🍫 today - so I had to run that off didn't I? πŸ˜… (as well as the copious amounts of cakes, biscuits, wine gums, chocolate, toffees - the list goes on 🀫🀭.

#CardiffHalf #WhyWeRun #MIND #Running #Plodding #Chicks #JustForFun