
Thursday 26 September 2019

I broke out the emergency Bounty......

Hello - hello - hello - you lovely people.  Yes I am still here - I am still going - I am still plodding on,  Chicks is plodding on.  My head ran out of space - my head has run out of space - I am spaced out.  🀩

I have been very busy training for the Cardiff Half marathon 🎽- I have been jogging (plodding) around the village week after week - ticking off the runs on the training plan (which I may not have stuck to religiously!).  Anyway between trying to juggle running, swimming and that thing called work (yes I am still doing that - well I turn up daily, run around a lot, juggle lots of balls - fail at achieving to do lists but they are still paying me so shhhhhhh - doing my best! 🏫) - so I felt like there has been no more room left in my head to blog. I expect you have all missed me greatly - not. What you did not even notice I had stopped ....... you were enjoying the radio silence..... mmmmmmm.

So it is now only a few more days to the BIG run - the half marathon.  So tonight I roll in from work and I really, really, really do not want to go out.  I forced myself to get my kit on, lifted a little bit by the fact that I could pull on my brand new race t-shirt from the Swansea Bay 10k completed Sunday πŸ’–.  Oh lovely - that was a momentary lift.  So I am all set - delay, delay, delay - check Facebook, play with phone - ponder which music to listen to - dance in the kitchenπŸ’ƒ - well a girl does have to warm up properly..... finally I am out the door, on my way.

To say it was a bit windy is an understatement - gosh nearly blew my hat right off.  Another run underway - as I flew down the road (that was the wind not me running fast by the way) I got to thinking - the biggest barrier to going and getting out for a run is YOU! (No not you - me - well - you - well you know what I mean).  That physical and mental barrier - the door.  Getting your little chubby legs over that front door feels impossible at times - and as for getting past that mental block doorway in your head - that is a whole other level!  I don't know why I find it so hard just to get my kit on (better than ripping my kit off me thinks 🀣) - I could get arrested for that sort of behaviour) but I do find it hard to just get up and go.  Sometimes I have to give myself a good talking to for about an hour before I can get out the door - gosh in that time I could have been out and run 5k, stopped for ice-cream, taken a dozen selfies and got home.

Anyway - I was very pleased to get out, not having run since Sunday and also given the fact that I had to break out my emergency Bounty 🍫 today - so I had to run that off didn't I? πŸ˜… (as well as the copious amounts of cakes, biscuits, wine gums, chocolate, toffees - the list goes on 🀫🀭.

#CardiffHalf #WhyWeRun #MIND #Running #Plodding #Chicks #JustForFun

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