
Wednesday 23 August 2023

Sammy and Scott’s Double Surprise!

Sammy and Scott’s Double Surprise! 

You’ve got a miracle happening in your belly
It’s far from feeling like a plate of jelly
Round and firm - you’ve quite the bump
I bet when they said it’s twins you did more than jump! 
That wiped the grin off poor Scott’s face
But now you’ve just assumed the position - BRACE!

Now you’ve got your head around the news 
You are definitely feeling far from blue
In fact it’s pink all the way
Two gorgeous girls coming your way
Some may say it’s double trouble 
But you guys won’t let them burst your bubble 

Helen’s heart nearly burst with joy 
Grandparents - and to girls not boys! 
Mel’s already been on a massive shopping spree
And planning holidays next to the Mediterranean Sea
Great grandparents are all at the ready
To help steer the Powell’s ship and keep it steady 

So it’s two of everything from now on 
Ordering nappies by the tonne! 
Enjoy every moment and record all the joy
Don’t worry about your hair, the mess or the toys!
In years to come you will sit and reflect 
And those memories you’ll fondly recollect 

Good luck - you are going to be the most wonderful parents to two beautiful baby girls. ❤️

J C Hicks 

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