
Saturday 30 September 2023

A Greener Future

A Greener Future

Man - you walk so selfishly around the land 
Oblivious it seems of the shifting sands 
Money and greed seems to feed your soul 
The environment - you think you control 

Control it you do - but not for the best 
Powers that be seem self obsessed 
Lining the pockets of those who are rich 
Dressing up your latest PR pitch 

Our seas are suffocating - away with plastic 
The action required now needs to be drastic
Species slowly disappearing from sight 
Urban areas unable to see stars by moonlight 

Where will it stop - when will it end?
When the whole of the world has been condemned?
We don’t own this planet it’s merely on loan 
A greener future isn’t something we can postpone! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 30/9/23

Monday 18 September 2023

Equality For All

My name is Miles and I’ve been a Christian all my life
I’ve always had a good soul and love my beautiful wife
We’ve always done good deeds and helped out others
What’s mine is yours, you are all my sisters and brothers 

My name is James and I’ve lived a troubled life
I’m starting to sit and wonder about the afterlife
I’ve stolen from my friends and really been quite selfish
I look at my neighbour Miles who has been so unselfish 

Both men are reflecting on the lives that they have lived 
Miles has been thoughtful, kind and never once deceived
James has done the opposite and not given time to others
James can now see his errors and how others have suffered 

Miles has sat in judgement of his wayward neighbour James
Miles sits in disbelief - as he hears what James now claims James has turned to God and asked for help to change his ways
Then the time came when both men came to the end of their days 

Miles rose in all his glory and ascended up to heaven 
He finally met his maker and knew he had no indiscretions 
As Miles looked around - content with his whole life 
He looked on, baffled - there stood James whose life was full of strife 

Lord - I do not understand how this man has risen to glory 
I’ve known him all my life and his is a sorry story
He led a life of sin and was thoughtless, vile and cruel
Surely his ascension goes against all the “rules”

The Lord turned to Miles and placed his hand upon his shoulder
My son, don’t you understand, we can all change as we get older
Glory isn’t based on how long you lived your Christian life
There is room at my table for those who repent and turn their backs on sin and strife 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 18/9/23

Sunday 17 September 2023

Benji Bon Bon

 I bought a bag of bon bons - a bundle of toffee joy

I clutched them in my hand - a present for Georgie boy

White dusted toffee ones and some lemon jewels too 

A dusty delight with gorgeous toffee to chew

I placed them on the table - sat in plain sight

Little did I know what was to become their plight 

They were left upon the table unattended - that was the flaw

Master Benji saw his moment and pulled the bag to the floor

When we returned the crime was truly done and dusted 

Benji looking guilty - that boy was well and truly busted 

He thoroughly enjoyed the chewy, tasty toffee sweets

But now he’s in the dog house where there are absolutely no treats! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 17/9/23 

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Carew Castle

Carew Castle 

I sit upon the castle wall
It walls are strong and tall
From up here all can be spied
No access can be denied 

I look across the vast pond
It seems to stretch way beyond
A host of life to so many 
As for ghosts - have I seen any?

In the distance stands the mill
All around is tranquil and still
I watch a child run along
I let out my beautiful song

They stop and look all around
But the source of song cannot be found
They slowly carry on along their way
I stretch out my wings - it’s the end of the day

I let out one final evening song
My call is loud and beautifully long
I love this castle, it is my sanctuary 
But honestly - those ghosts scare me! 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 11/9/23

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Charming Caldey Island

 Oh Caldey, oh Caldey we are enveloped with  your charm

A place of peace, a sanctuary and offering a wonderful calm

The ducklings have all grown and are waddling around 

Trees reaching up, their leaves will soon turn brown 

The grouse and pheasant roam freely amongst the luscious grass

The beauty of Mother Nature is really first class

Serenity in abundance -  it makes us feel serene

It truly is my favourite place out of those I have seen 

Joanne C Hicks 6/9/23 ©️ 

Monday 4 September 2023

Ripples Of Life

 Ripples of Life

Ever noticed how that ripple glides across the water 

Gradually getting larger despite starting off smaller 

That ripple is a little like the lives we lead

As we are born our ripple is suddenly freed

We may not know the impact that our ripple will cause

Or how far it will travel - just take a moment - pause

One ripple - breaks that water which was as smooth as glass

It grows and sometimes merges with other ripples that pass

Our lives start off small and we grow day by day

Our ripple drifts on outwards and travels on its way 

So as that rippling circle grows - remember so do we 

Your ripple can end anywhere - so just live your life carefree! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 4/9/23