
Sunday 17 September 2023

Benji Bon Bon

 I bought a bag of bon bons - a bundle of toffee joy

I clutched them in my hand - a present for Georgie boy

White dusted toffee ones and some lemon jewels too 

A dusty delight with gorgeous toffee to chew

I placed them on the table - sat in plain sight

Little did I know what was to become their plight 

They were left upon the table unattended - that was the flaw

Master Benji saw his moment and pulled the bag to the floor

When we returned the crime was truly done and dusted 

Benji looking guilty - that boy was well and truly busted 

He thoroughly enjoyed the chewy, tasty toffee sweets

But now he’s in the dog house where there are absolutely no treats! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 17/9/23 

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