
Sunday 29 October 2023

Friends Like These

As we wake up to hear the news
That may make some feel quite blue
Let it be the moment you stop and think
You never know when you may be on the brink

Matthew Perry made us laugh 
But of his life we just saw half
A life of turmoil, drugs and addiction 
A well documented affliction 

Let’s hope his life had more highs than lows 
How much happiness he had - only he knows
So live each day as if it’s your last 
So when you leave you think - yeah I had a blast! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 29/10/23

Thursday 26 October 2023

Shoplifting - Where Is The Harm?

Shop lifting - Where is the harm?

I can’t feed my family 
I don’t know what to do 
I don’t qualify for food banks
Or any government help 
I work really hard 
But I can’t feed my family
What should I do? 

I’ve got an addiction I just need to feed 
I’ve got no money but can’t fight this urge
It started out harmless - just a bit of fun 
Now IT’S in control
I’m an addict 
I just need to feed it

My mates made me do it 
I was scared not to
I want to fit in 
They coerced me and bullied me
It’s not really a crime 
These shops can afford it
Well, that’s what my mates say 

I used to love my job 
I’d chat with the customers 
We’d laugh and exchange news 
Now I’m always on edge 
And don’t know what to do
I saw that young mother stealing that food
But I know she’s no money 
That man who won’t make eye contact
He has a problem with drugs
I daren’t challenge him as he scares me a little
That young lad who ran in 
Stole a packet of sweets
His face full of guilt
I saw his mates waiting 
Yes I used to love my job
Now I’m just not so sure

My boss says he can no longer pay me
He’s letting me go
He had a heavy heart as he delivered this blow
His profits are down 
Cost are just spiralling 
The increase in stealing is taking its toll
It’s like taking it from his family’s table 
He can no longer pay me - he’s letting me go

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 26/10/23

Monday 23 October 2023

A Brother’s Goodbye

A Brother’s Goodbye 

The little boy let out a heart wrenching cry
To his big sister he had to say a final goodbye
Her life robbed not by illness or accident 
But by someone who was not an inhabitant 
Gunned down in cold blood - an innocent child 
No longer will her family see her beautiful smile
A whole life ahead of her and it’s been ripped away
Her family will have traumatic memories, which stay 
There are no winners in a long running war
Only atrocities, pain, suffering and so much more.

Joanne C Hicks 23/10/23 copyright ©️ 

Beauty From Within

Beauty From Within 

Will you be my friend said the boy to the girl
Shocked she stopped and pushed aside her brown curl
She nervously ran her fingers over her deep brown skin 
She stepped back - they were not from the same akin
Please said the boy I’d love to be your friend
I think our personalities would truly blend 
The girl looked down feeling a little shy
She didn’t know what to say, how to reply
The boy ventured further - I’m blind you see
So I can only go on what I hear - not see
Your laughter filled the air and your voice is rich and pure 
You talk with compassion and that was the allure
The girl’s face slowly broke into a smile 
She realised the boy had been watching her for a while
The boy didn’t care about the colour of her skin
He knew that a persons beauty comes from within

Joanne C Hicks 23/10/23 copyright ©️ 

Monday 16 October 2023

Warfare - where is the good in it?

Warfare - where is the good in it? 

Needless destruction all around 
Rubble piled where there once was a town 
People wandering around in a daze
Picking their way amongst a newly formed maze
Innocent children now lonely orphans 
Unable to understand their new misfortune 
The sound of people wailing and crying 
As they realise just how many are dying 
Hearts broken that will never heal 
Do those responsible have hearts of steal?
Sadness and despair fills the air 
Innocent humans trapped by pointless warfare 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 16/10/23

Sunday 15 October 2023

The Path Of Life

The Path Of Life 

I don’t know which way to go 
Along the path of life
Let me tell you a secret - none of us know
It’s like walking on a knife

Don’t look ahead - don’t look behind
Just remember, focus on the moment 
Time isn’t promised so bear this in mind
You’re growing and never really broken 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 15/10/23

Take a moment

Today - take a moment
A moment in time 
A moment in peace 
A moment of calm 
Take a moment….
For you 