
Monday 23 October 2023

Beauty From Within

Beauty From Within 

Will you be my friend said the boy to the girl
Shocked she stopped and pushed aside her brown curl
She nervously ran her fingers over her deep brown skin 
She stepped back - they were not from the same akin
Please said the boy I’d love to be your friend
I think our personalities would truly blend 
The girl looked down feeling a little shy
She didn’t know what to say, how to reply
The boy ventured further - I’m blind you see
So I can only go on what I hear - not see
Your laughter filled the air and your voice is rich and pure 
You talk with compassion and that was the allure
The girl’s face slowly broke into a smile 
She realised the boy had been watching her for a while
The boy didn’t care about the colour of her skin
He knew that a persons beauty comes from within

Joanne C Hicks 23/10/23 copyright ©️ 

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