
Saturday 27 April 2024

27/04/2024 - Not Your Time

Saturday 27th April 

Sometimes you have to sit and reflect
When things don’t turn out as you expect
Maybe it just wasn’t your time
Nearly taken when you are in your prime
That near miss or inexplicable escape
You got out of that near fatal scrape
Somebody somewhere was looking down 
And sent positive energy all around
That invisible hand kept you safe 
As you reflect over the coming days 
Miracles do sometimes happen 
What if it was angels - just imagine
Maybe our lives are all mapped out 
After all none of us know what it’s all really about! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 24 April 2024

24/04/24 - Go The Extra Mile!

My poetry of late has been put on the side
My pen over paper will simply not glide
So today I just want to say something to make you smile
So go out, be nice and just go the extra mile! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 
Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 15 April 2024

15/04/24 - Sober, Old & Forgetful

Monday 15th April 2024

The sun streams through the window 
As I sit and ponder my life info 
I cast my mind back to my younger days
I lived carefree come what may

Now I sit and crunch household numbers
Even when I’m deep in my slumbers
I can no longer stay in bed all night
Needing a pee before morning light 

I have a few aches and and the odd pain
Bending down is now such a strain 
I remember when I busted out dance moves 
Now I just hope my balance improves

I remember the days I was young, drunk and stupid
I probably should have had my gin more diluted 😂
Now I’m just old, sober and forgetful 
Grumpy, cross and a little fretful

Why can’t my body be as young as my mind 
Growing older isn’t always very kind 
On the plus side now I can just say
I’m old so excuse me if the odd rule I disobey 😉

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 11 April 2024

11/04/2024 - The Time Is Now!

Thursday 11th April 2024 

The time is now 
Don’t you know!

You stop and think about it
Before you slump into a social media pit.

You’ve got no money
Not today, it’s too sunny

You’re just too worn out and tired
It’s on your to do list called “retired”

It’s wet and windy outside 
The sun is just trying to hide

You’re far too busy to fit it in
You procrastinate and never begin

Then comes the final blow
Your numbers up - it’s time to go 

The time is now 
Don’t you know!

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

11/04/2024 - Still It Rains …..

Thursday 11th April 2024

I turned my face up to the sky
More rain - I just ask why?
The clocks have changed 
Summer holidays arranged
Time to bid the rain goodbye! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 8 April 2024

08/04/2024 - The Scandal That Rocked The World

Monday 8th April 2024

Today I have no words
To fall from my mouth

Words that I normally
Find easy to sit and spout

Today I sit astounded
By the stories I have heard

About the poor sub post-masters
This scandal leaves me disturbed 

So many have lost their battle
And are no longer on this earth 

It’s like Horizon and the Post Office
Never truly valued their worth

Lives left turned upside down 
Decades seeking justice 

All they can do is sit and listen
To a government saying just trust us …….

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Sunday 7 April 2024

07/04/2024 - Don’t Look Back

Sunday 7th April 2024 

I stand and look before me 
At the cross roads I can see 

Which road to set my feet upon 
When I am blind to what’s beyond

My heart is pounding in my chest
My mind not giving me a moments rest

How do I know which road to choose?
I crane my neck but can’t see future views

I decide to go with my gut feeling 
I will pick the road most appealing 

The real trick from here is to not look back 
Always believe, in that moment, you’re on the right track 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 2 April 2024

02/04/2024 - I Give Freely

Tuesday 2nd April 2024

My heart is full and I give freely
Not just to those I love dearly
I give to strangers who are in despair
For these people I truly care
Ravaged by war they have no food 
Horrified by the scenes I’ve viewed 
But I have to to do all that I can 
I feel safe with my colleagues in our van …..

The poor aid workers hopefully didn’t feel a thing
Their deaths sending the world into a spin
They were out helping others and thought they were safe 
Sadly the bomb dropped and it wasn’t the case
They gave their lives saving others 
Please let’s make sure no-body else suffers

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 1 April 2024

01/04/2024 - The Fox’s Demise

 Monday 1st April 2024

You wind down your window and just let it go
Your rubbish out of the window - you just throw 
It lands in the hedgerow and nestles there 
You’ve gone on without a care

I’ve been sleeping all day and now I must eat
Finding food is not a very easy feat 
I trundle along and see something ahead
That looks like food to take back to my bed

Nobody knows how long the fox had struggled 
His head stuck in the litter, he’d wriggled and juggled
It just wouldn’t come off and he’d given up the fight 
His lifeless body - a heartbreaking sight

Don’t throw your litter over our countryside 
There’s a countryside code and rules to abide
Take your rubbish home with you - it’s not much to ask 
Picking up your litter shouldn’t be someone else’s task! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️