
Monday 1 April 2024

01/04/2024 - The Fox’s Demise

 Monday 1st April 2024

You wind down your window and just let it go
Your rubbish out of the window - you just throw 
It lands in the hedgerow and nestles there 
You’ve gone on without a care

I’ve been sleeping all day and now I must eat
Finding food is not a very easy feat 
I trundle along and see something ahead
That looks like food to take back to my bed

Nobody knows how long the fox had struggled 
His head stuck in the litter, he’d wriggled and juggled
It just wouldn’t come off and he’d given up the fight 
His lifeless body - a heartbreaking sight

Don’t throw your litter over our countryside 
There’s a countryside code and rules to abide
Take your rubbish home with you - it’s not much to ask 
Picking up your litter shouldn’t be someone else’s task! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

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