
Monday 15 April 2024

15/04/24 - Sober, Old & Forgetful

Monday 15th April 2024

The sun streams through the window 
As I sit and ponder my life info 
I cast my mind back to my younger days
I lived carefree come what may

Now I sit and crunch household numbers
Even when I’m deep in my slumbers
I can no longer stay in bed all night
Needing a pee before morning light 

I have a few aches and and the odd pain
Bending down is now such a strain 
I remember when I busted out dance moves 
Now I just hope my balance improves

I remember the days I was young, drunk and stupid
I probably should have had my gin more diluted 😂
Now I’m just old, sober and forgetful 
Grumpy, cross and a little fretful

Why can’t my body be as young as my mind 
Growing older isn’t always very kind 
On the plus side now I can just say
I’m old so excuse me if the odd rule I disobey 😉

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

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