
Sunday 26 May 2024

26/05/2024 - Auschwitz-Birkenau

Sunday 26th May 2024 

Life is the most beautiful gift we can receive 
(Batsheva Dagan - Auschwitz survivor)

Your soul has been sucked from behind your eyes
You no longer have a reason to light your face with a smile
Your body aches and every limp limb hurts 
You shuffle your bare feet through the dry, dusty dirt 

The sun beats down upon your dry, itchy skin
Your hair is gone and you are so thin
Minimal food and drink are provided 
Unfathomable how humans are so misguided 

A misguided race that sought to cleanse our society 
Leaving Jews, gypsies, Poles and prisoners with anxiety
No case to argue - no right of reply 
Just millions sent to gas chambers to die 

The empty suitcases now tell a story 
Forming part of an horrific time in history 
Shoes that once belonged to little children 
Lives cut short as Nazis ruthlessly killed them

Someone’s mother, father, sister, brother 
Someone’s aunty, uncle, grandfather or grandmother
Friends who once laughed together
Now gasp for air together

Millions of people who had committed no crime
Had their lives cut short - they ran out of time
What they suffered we can never fully understand 
Even if it were relayed first hand 

We must never ever forget the past 
We owe it to those who were callously gassed
We owe it to those that endured that hell
For it’s their story we must continue to tell

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Those that do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it (George Santayana) 


Thursday 23 May 2024

23/05/2024 - Take It Home!

Thursday 23/05/2024

It’s only a can - what harm can it do?
Do these people really not have a clue?
Leaving their litter strewn on the beach
Thinking it’s ok out of the tides reach 

But the wind will blow and lift up that can 
And so this is how a trail of destruction began 
It won’t disappear or rot in the ground
It will stay intact until it is found

But found by what - that is the question
I could list a load of suggestions
It costs nothing to respect the planet we live on 
So regarding your litter - pick it up when you’re done! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Tuesday 21 May 2024

21/05/2024 - At One With Nature ❤️


The suns rays pour down on my face 
Like a warm comforting embrace
The birds are singing out their story 
Chirping out - a song of glory
The trees bear luscious green leaves
A fat bumble bee - around it’s branches weaves 
Flowers peeping out, new life to be seen 
Summer vibes laying out a beautiful scene 
I’m at one with nature and feel so free
For I know, tomorrow is never a guarantee 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Monday 20 May 2024

20/05/2024 - Ticking Clocks


There it goes - slipping away
You can’t stop it and it’s okay
You just have to value it 
It has no remit
You can’t touch it
You can’t see it
You can’t feel it
But you need it 

Time is precious - it can’t be stopped 
It’s not a commodity that can be swapped
We cannot control the ticking clock 
But there is a secret to unlock
Every day learn something new 
Try to be a better version of you 
We can’t stop time but we can grow
So remember it’s all about what you know! 

Joanne C Hicks  Pembrokeshire Poet  copyright ©️ 

Sunday 12 May 2024

12/05/2024 - Music is my medicine

Sunday 12th May

I have an invisible medicine that helps me day to day
It’s embroiled in airwaves that float out and play
It such a powerful source and is there for you and me 
It can take you on a journey that can sometimes set you free 

Music is my medicine and it has a super power 
It can take your emotions and make you feel empowered
It can trigger feelings of sadness or make you feel elated 
It can take you down a road visiting memories you created 

It can hold a simple structure or be a complex beast 
It holds a magic key where emotions just release
For those that sadly can’t recall the days gone by 
It brings memories flooding back without having to try 

It’s such a wonderful feeling listening to that beat
Sometimes in that moment you truly feel complete
Like each note has seeped into your very soul 
Cares drop away as it transports you down a hole 

Yes music is my medicine 
And it’s available to all

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 
Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 8 May 2024

08/05/2024 - Life Is A Gift

Wednesday 8th May 2024 

Every day we open our eyes we should just take a moment 
To reflect on our lives, across its many components 

We may feel unhappy and feel we’ve not achieved a lot
We always end up focusing on what we haven’t got!

Ask yourself some questions to banish negativity 
Are you fit and healthy and able to do activities 

Your body may ache and you be a little slower
Your belly may be rounded and hang a little lower

Do you have a roof over you and your family’s heads?
So you can all lie warm and safe in your comfy beds 

Did you have a meal today and food upon your table?
Did you get about today, as much as you were able 

We may not all be slim, fit, toned and “appear” perfect 
We all come in different shapes and sizes last time I checked

Don’t be fooled by social media images that bombard you
Remember must of them are edited and really aren’t true 

So just be grateful you are here, alive and breathing 
Don’t waste your time being sad, angry and seething

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 


Sunday 5 May 2024

05/05/2024 - Rain or shine….?

Sunday 5th May 2024

The suns rays fell from the sky
I had my legs out on display
But today I get up to rain 
Much to my dismay

We love the British weather
It’s like a game of roulette
So any ideas what tomorrow will hold?
Sunshine, hail, wind or just plain wet! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 4 May 2024

04/04/2024 - Smile -Pass It On!

 Saturday 4th May 2024

Your face says it all
Don’t let it be your wall

Is there any greater pleasure 
Than a smile you can treasure?

To see a face light up with joy
As every emotion is employed 

It’s an emotion that’s contagious 
Sometimes even outrageous

Go on - just give it go
See how far your smile can go….

Joanne C Hicks Pembrokeshire Poet copyright ©️