
Wednesday 8 May 2024

08/05/2024 - Life Is A Gift

Wednesday 8th May 2024 

Every day we open our eyes we should just take a moment 
To reflect on our lives, across its many components 

We may feel unhappy and feel we’ve not achieved a lot
We always end up focusing on what we haven’t got!

Ask yourself some questions to banish negativity 
Are you fit and healthy and able to do activities 

Your body may ache and you be a little slower
Your belly may be rounded and hang a little lower

Do you have a roof over you and your family’s heads?
So you can all lie warm and safe in your comfy beds 

Did you have a meal today and food upon your table?
Did you get about today, as much as you were able 

We may not all be slim, fit, toned and “appear” perfect 
We all come in different shapes and sizes last time I checked

Don’t be fooled by social media images that bombard you
Remember must of them are edited and really aren’t true 

So just be grateful you are here, alive and breathing 
Don’t waste your time being sad, angry and seething

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 


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