
Tuesday 15 September 2020

Summer vibes - coz there’s no Christmas tribes!

Summer vibes - coz there’s no Christmas tribes! 

I’m thinking of having an alternative Christmas
Creating a beach scene - cocktails not biscuits
Now hear me out for you must think me mad
Not to go festive, surely that can only be bad?

The tree will be up and the lights gently flickering.πŸŽ„
The house full of treats and the garden is glimmering.
A fully lit 6 foot Santa stands in pride of place πŸŽ…πŸ»
Stockings hanging up in the candlelit fireplace.

It sounds quite idyllic - it truly does
Because Christmas always brings an amazing buzz.
But what about parties and pre-Christmas drinkies
No shaking of hands not even our pinkies! πŸ™ˆ

Surrounded by things that just scream out family
No drunken renditions of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody!🎀
No parties or swift after work gin and tonics🍸
Moaning that your spending has been really chronic.

So if I sit in some sand with a pina colada 🍹
Maybe even pretend I’m in the Costa BravaπŸ–
Then I may find no socialising a less bitter pill to swallow πŸ™
Either way I promise I won’t sit and wallow! πŸ₯³

J C Hicks Copyright 15-9-2020

Saturday 12 September 2020

Behind the mask 😷

Behind the mask 😷

What lies behind that mask you wear
Feelings, emotions you now cannot share.
Take a moment and just think it through
Half your face covered it can be misconstrued.

When you’re screaming inside and full despair
Maybe feeling like nobody really cares.
All that is seen is your pool like eyes not that beautiful smile
We can’t read the signs that you are feeling quite hostile.

Those eyes that we see like the sea of humanity
A variety of masks displaying our vanity.
Our beautiful smiles smothered and covered
Our true emotions lying deep and undiscovered.

The eyes are the windows to the soul
Or this is what we have been told.
Can your eyes truly display your happiness and joy
Full communication potentially may now be destroyed.

That lady who sits alone on the bus with feelings of sadness
And she has no-one to talk to and no-one to trust.
The couple who cannot quite believe all the madness.
The person who simply is just full of badness.

The old man whose heart simply hurts with such pain.
The joy for the girl whose been sipping champagne.
All to be read through those “windows” from now
We need to look deeper to see what’s not clear.

For behind that mask lies a world we cannot see
A society which no longer feels open and free.
Consider these facts when you slide on that mask
But don’t ever think it’s a disagreeable task.

I know it can feel like the mask sucks away all fresh air
But we must protect one another and our wonderful healthcare.
If you think it’s bad to cover your face for a moment here and there
Think of those workers who don it daily, like those giving care.

A new phase of fighting this terrible virus
Fears and emotions feeling quite heightened.
More beautiful lives potentially at risk
Covid19’s movements once again feeling brisk.

So look after each other and ask how are you?
And listen to what the other construes
For you can’t see their face that shows so many signs
And remember to make sure your eyes truly shine!

#Covid19 #FaceCoverings #StaySafe #Face #Hands #Space

J C Hicks Copyright 12-9-2020

Friday 11 September 2020

My sexy beau ......😍

My sexy beau ......😍

Oh hello you devil - it’s lovely to see you
If you hadn’t arrived I’d have felt a bit blue!
You snuck up behind me all of a sudden
Don’t spoil it now by making me go running.

You are quite possibly my most favourite thing.
Although I know it’s just a brief fling.
We will sing, we will dance and maybe drink wine
You know when you are here it’s always divine.

You have two sides and I really quite like it
The first half is my favourite I have to admit.
It’s all about wine and no need to diet
Then you slow down and become a bit quiet.

As time moves on you look so serene
A gentler pace but you do mean we clean.
There’s no escape from that duster and mop
And George is around and he’s playing bad cop!

So if you ask me my favourite - which half I prefer?
Why I’d have to pick Saturday’s although it’s sometime a blur!
I do love the Sunday’s all lazy and slow.......
My best friend the weekend - you darn sexy beau ❤️😜

#Chill #Relax #Unwind #Rest #Love #Laugh #Live

Happy weekend folks 😘

J C Hicks Copyright 11-9-2020

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Hands face space ....

Hands  face space ....

2020 the year of new sayings and ways
Every day waiting to hear a new phrase.
Stay at home and stay safe was the one that we heard first.
When we used to think bubbles were just things that could burst.

Along came that thing we all love to say
It’s the new normal - we hear it repeated every day.
I don’t want the new normal I’m screaming inside
I just want the old ways - before thousands had died.

Next they decided we must stay alert.
Great another new buzz word for Boris to blurt.
I’m alert all the time, we’ve been living in fear.
In case someone with the virus is standing near!

Wear a mask - wash your hands - Stay 2 metres apart.
We’ve heard most of these things right from the start.
So many renditions of happy birthday have been sung.
Ironically singing is banned and mustn’t trip off our tongues!

Go out - but stay in - don’t mix in large crowds.
But going to the pub is definitely allowed.
Just socially distance and all will be well
But you turn, speak and the droplets just fell......

Droplets - tiny droplets that just become airborne
Slowly and quietly invading our lungs.
Stay alert - stay apart - is that one metre or two?
All the countries having such varying rules.

Hands -face - space is the new one today.
Boris has spoken so we must all obey.
But we don’t need these tag lines to know what to do
We just need common sense to protect me and you!

So remember the rules - if you know what they are
All in all it’s probably best not to travel to far.
Just remember to keep your hands clean and stand far apart
After all we don’t want to appear on a government bar chart!

J C Hicks Copyright 9-9-2020

Saturday 5 September 2020



Words, words, words tumbling out of our mouths
Free, freely, for we have freedom of speech.
Some meaningful, others meaningless.
They roll out of our mouths floating across the air
Listened to, heard, misheard, reacted to.

Words, words, words used too much - used too little
Hatred, love, despair and grief
Emotive, emotional, insincere, heartfelt.
They connect us - are an expression of us.
They separate us and cause great divides.

Words, words, words they shape our lives
Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, a lifetime.
Forgotten, forgettable, memorable, never forgotten.
They create moments, shape events, change events
We are what comes out of our mouths,
whether it’s spoken, written, signed, expressed.

Words, words, words they can map out our futures
Intimate, enemies, families, strangers, political, global.
Loud, soft, harsh, tender, sung, sobbed.
An outlet of how we feel, what we believe
A map, a guide to a greater understanding of you, me, everyone

Use them wisely
Use them kindly
Use them often
Use them carefully
Use them from your heart

Your words can shape other peoples lives.


J C Hicks Copyright 5-9-2020