
Friday 11 September 2020

My sexy beau ......😍

My sexy beau ......😍

Oh hello you devil - it’s lovely to see you
If you hadn’t arrived I’d have felt a bit blue!
You snuck up behind me all of a sudden
Don’t spoil it now by making me go running.

You are quite possibly my most favourite thing.
Although I know it’s just a brief fling.
We will sing, we will dance and maybe drink wine
You know when you are here it’s always divine.

You have two sides and I really quite like it
The first half is my favourite I have to admit.
It’s all about wine and no need to diet
Then you slow down and become a bit quiet.

As time moves on you look so serene
A gentler pace but you do mean we clean.
There’s no escape from that duster and mop
And George is around and he’s playing bad cop!

So if you ask me my favourite - which half I prefer?
Why I’d have to pick Saturday’s although it’s sometime a blur!
I do love the Sunday’s all lazy and slow.......
My best friend the weekend - you darn sexy beau ❤️😜

#Chill #Relax #Unwind #Rest #Love #Laugh #Live

Happy weekend folks 😘

J C Hicks Copyright 11-9-2020

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