
Saturday 5 September 2020



Words, words, words tumbling out of our mouths
Free, freely, for we have freedom of speech.
Some meaningful, others meaningless.
They roll out of our mouths floating across the air
Listened to, heard, misheard, reacted to.

Words, words, words used too much - used too little
Hatred, love, despair and grief
Emotive, emotional, insincere, heartfelt.
They connect us - are an expression of us.
They separate us and cause great divides.

Words, words, words they shape our lives
Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, a lifetime.
Forgotten, forgettable, memorable, never forgotten.
They create moments, shape events, change events
We are what comes out of our mouths,
whether it’s spoken, written, signed, expressed.

Words, words, words they can map out our futures
Intimate, enemies, families, strangers, political, global.
Loud, soft, harsh, tender, sung, sobbed.
An outlet of how we feel, what we believe
A map, a guide to a greater understanding of you, me, everyone

Use them wisely
Use them kindly
Use them often
Use them carefully
Use them from your heart

Your words can shape other peoples lives.


J C Hicks Copyright 5-9-2020

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