
Wednesday 9 September 2020

Hands face space ....

Hands  face space ....

2020 the year of new sayings and ways
Every day waiting to hear a new phrase.
Stay at home and stay safe was the one that we heard first.
When we used to think bubbles were just things that could burst.

Along came that thing we all love to say
It’s the new normal - we hear it repeated every day.
I don’t want the new normal I’m screaming inside
I just want the old ways - before thousands had died.

Next they decided we must stay alert.
Great another new buzz word for Boris to blurt.
I’m alert all the time, we’ve been living in fear.
In case someone with the virus is standing near!

Wear a mask - wash your hands - Stay 2 metres apart.
We’ve heard most of these things right from the start.
So many renditions of happy birthday have been sung.
Ironically singing is banned and mustn’t trip off our tongues!

Go out - but stay in - don’t mix in large crowds.
But going to the pub is definitely allowed.
Just socially distance and all will be well
But you turn, speak and the droplets just fell......

Droplets - tiny droplets that just become airborne
Slowly and quietly invading our lungs.
Stay alert - stay apart - is that one metre or two?
All the countries having such varying rules.

Hands -face - space is the new one today.
Boris has spoken so we must all obey.
But we don’t need these tag lines to know what to do
We just need common sense to protect me and you!

So remember the rules - if you know what they are
All in all it’s probably best not to travel to far.
Just remember to keep your hands clean and stand far apart
After all we don’t want to appear on a government bar chart!

J C Hicks Copyright 9-9-2020

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