
Thursday 29 July 2021

A force of nature 🌊🌕🌞🐋🦈🦭🐟🐳🦀🦞🐙

A force of nature 🌊🌕🌞🐋🦈🦭🐟🐳🦀🦞🐙 

The sea swirling, swishing, sloshing around and around.

The waves smashing onto rocks a somewhat soothing sound. 

The sea that provides such healing qualities,

A place of family fun and endless frivolities.

A place to sit in quiet contemplation 

Helps us sit and discover our core foundations.

A myriad of colours, rich green and deep blue 

That invites you to dip your toes into.

A force which changes the world around us,

Environmental changes which we should discuss.  

Waves crashing down upon the shore, 

Giving up its secrets and so much more.

Shells, stone and sea glass scattered upon the shoreline

Collected by children, laughing, in the summer sunshine. 

A landscape which changes hour by hour,

We sit in awe and wonder at it’s super power.

A force that brings pleasure but also such pain,

As those who lost their lives struggled in vain.

A force to be treated with so much respect.

A force being disrupted by the greenhouse effect. 

We still have so much to learn and we all have so much to do.

Seas suffocated and polluted by plastic shouldn’t remain a subject taboo.

A vast array of creatures and plants live in these seas,

We stand and observe them as we feel that cool sea breeze.

This mighty expanse pulled by the gravitation of the moon

Influencing tides - two forces of nature in perfect attune.

So just take a moment and stop, sit and listen,

As the sun dances on the water and everything glistens.

So take a moment to say a prayer for those lost in the oceans 

Spend a moment with nature and connect deeply with your emotions. 

J C Hicks Copyright 29-7-21

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