
Tuesday 27 July 2021

Wrinkly, crinkly skin …..🤷🏻‍♀️

Wrinkly, crinkly skin …..🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Oh nana why is your skin all wrinkly and thin?

Ah, I say, it’s because my body is well lived in.

Well I don’t want to have skin that’s all wrinkly 

Like a chip that’s not smooth but actually all crinkly!

Did you sit out in the rain for too long?

Or was it because your skin isn’t strong?

I don’t understand how my skin is smooth 

Come on nana I want to hear the truth!

Well child what you must remember

Is that each of these lines represents a memory.

I’ve lived a good long life you see,

I hope you live as long as me!

Oh but nana you are mega old and been around for ever 

That’s why you are so wise and clever.

But why couldn’t you stop your skin from shrinking?

You maybe got it wet too much - that’s what I’m thinking.


No child that’s not the reason for the folds and creases

You see over time our body generally gets weaker.

These deep seated lines are like my battle scars,

If you like it’s a visual reminder of all my memoirs.

It’s an honour to sport such lines as these.

But nana you’ve even got them on your knees! 

Remember it’s not the body that makes a person 

A lesson that you must never stop learning.

Yes my skin is no longer soft and smooth 

But listen carefully while I tell you the truth.

Your body gets slower and yes your skin may shrink! 

I hate to tell you that it may not even stay rosy and pink.

But think of your body like your home

Look after as through life you roam.

But you will learn one day that YOU are your heart and soul.

Your heart, mind and soul are what you can truly control.

Stay true to you and always be grateful and kind,

You don’t want to reach the end without any lines!

So nana, lines are like medals like you win in races 

Except these appear on our arms, legs and faces. 

We should be proud that our skin is creased

It’s not that we should have kept it well greased! 

Yes like your beautiful home you must look after it well 

But your soul is inside like that pearl in the oyster shell.

So live, love and laugh and reach for the stars,

Spread kindness and joy and you will go far! 

Taken from my book - Eloquent (on Amazon) 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

 J C Hicks Copyright 27-7-21

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