
Saturday 31 July 2021

Pink fluffy slippers - set free #puppylove

Pink fluffy slippers - set free #puppylove

 I had some new slippers, all fluffy and pink.

I walked in the bedroom and I felt my heart sink.

My beautiful slippers lay all tattered and torn.

My pink furry babies I stood there, my slippers to mourn.

I look all around me but you are nowhere to be found. 

Come on, where are you, you sweet pesky hound! 

I spent a small fortune on an array of dog toys.

Some even making that high pitched squeaking noise!

My poor beautiful slippers, worn only once.

I look down at this fluff fest, just wanting to wince. 

I know you are here, just hiding away.

I will come and find you, come what may. 

I gently call out your name  as I’ve a new game to play. 

I have lovely doggy treats and I’m giving them away! 

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Come on my fur baby - you can’t have gone far!

Then I look down and see it, your give away sign.

Under the bed, there’s a wagging tail and a small whine.  

Aha I have got you - you can’t get away!

I am your master - the one you obey! 

I call out your name, so sickly and sweet.

There is nowhere that you can beat a retreat. 

You crawl out on your belly and lift up your eyes.

You, you made sure my slippers met their demise! 

I look down at you, as you crawl out on your belly.

Your bottom jaw wobbling like a big bowl of jelly.

You lift up your paw and cock your head to the side.

This one simple action - I look deep into your eyes. 

Guess I don’t need my slippers - well,  not at this time

I mean chewing my slippers is hardly a war crime. 

I lay my hand on your head and you gaze up at me.

Ok boy, I guess you thought you just set my slippers free. 

J C Hicks copyright 31-7-2021


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