
Wednesday 13 October 2021

Autumn’s Leafy Gifts to Mother Nature 🍁🍂

Autumn’s Leafy Gifts to Mother Nature 🍁🍂 

The leaves are slowly changing

They’ve gone through their cycle of life

Once fresh, green and vibrant 

They are now crisp, shrivelled and dry.

The winds that they could once withstand 

Now dislodge them from their branch.

As Autumn moves in their life blood slips away.

More fragile day by day.

Until that wind, like breath on a cheek

Blows and they gently fall to the ground.

A zig zag route from top to bottom

Settling on the damp, wet ground beneath them.

Suddenly surrounding the strong trunk,

which once supported them.

The ground now a fabulous array of autumnal colours.

Reds, browns and oranges.

We dive through them, pushing them up with our feet.

A delightful crunching sound meets our ears.

We laugh as the leaves momentarily lift into the air

Before slowly settling on the ground again. 

Is this the end of their purpose?

No, not at all.

Those leaves may now lie dormant on the ground

But as they slowly shrivel away their work begins 

A new role - a new purpose.

To feed the ground beneath it.

For they are Autumn’s gift to Mother Nature.

A nutrient, a life blood - natures rich food. 

So after their green vibrant days 

they live on in another form. 

I’d like to think our lives are similar.

We may not always be green and vibrant 

But every day you touch somebody’s life 

Making memories, creating family traditions.

Sharing kindness, laughter, love and fun. 

Life is more than just the days we are “living”.

I think we all live on in some way…..

By the deeds we have done and the people’s lives we’ve touched.

Never think your life isn’t important- we all have something to give - no matter how small it may feel. 

The smallest gesture can be the biggest moment in someone else’s life.

Be the leaf that keeps on giving to your fellow trees! 

🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍃🍁🍂

J C Hicks copyright 13-10-21

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