
Thursday 21 October 2021

The Big Fat Seagull ….. king of Tenby

The Big Fat Seagull ….. king of Tenby  

There is a great big fat seagull who sits outside the coffee shop. 

He sits and waits for any meagre crumbs that you may drop.

He doesn’t walk, he doesn’t fly - he merely waddles and sometimes hops.

But don’t be fooled because he is as wily as a fox 🦊.

He sits upon the old church wall and watches people passing by. 

And when he spies those chips or pasties only then does he fly. 

From nowhere he appears and steals the unsuspecting victim’s food. 

He’s fast, he’s silent, he’s got perfect aim and is quite shrewd. 

You open your mouth to sample your wears, bringing your delight up to your lips

Then poof - like magic  - you suddenly have magic disappearing chips! 

He swoops down in silence and devours what he caught.

All at once you look at your hands and there’s nothing left of what you bought! 

The king of Tenby never has to swipe his card or use hard earned cash!

The greedy seagull perches somewhere stealing the lot in a flash! 

No time to chew, no posh table manners - down the hatch like a hole in one.

In less than thirty seconds this feathered fiend’s dirty deed is done. 

Once he’s finished his fly by buffet he returns to his spot upon the wall.

It is here that you will hear him screech, squawk and bawl.

Crowing to all his bird like pals - another Greggs pasty has met its downfall! 

J C Hicks Copyright 21-10-21


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