
Wednesday 20 October 2021

Reflections of you …..

Reflections of you ….. 

I’m staring deeply, intently into the water.

The water - dark with an unknown depth to it.

Yet it has a clean mirror like sheen. 

Still ……..but moving.

I can almost see myself looking back

A distorted vision of me.

Distorted by the ripples that gently move across it

It’s me but it’s not me.

Water reflecting back at me.

Is this how the world sees me?

Is this how I see myself?

Do any of us know the real person inside of us?

Or are we merely reflecting ourselves to the world.

Reflecting what we think we should.

Reflecting what “society” makes us feel we should.

Reflecting who we think we should be.

I smash my fist down into the icy cold water.

Droplets of water disperse the image.

I’m no longer there …..

I’m there ……but in pieces.

The ripples lessen and the water calms.

Once again I can see my reflection.

I sit and ponder ….

Who am I - why are we here - what does it all mean.

Despite the water moving, my reflection stays.

A changing image as the water flows onwards.

It seems to know it’s path, no faltering - just moving forward.

Yet we face so many paths, so many decisions.

Like the flowing water we move forwards,

But we look backwards.

Like the water smashing into rocks - we find another route when our options feel blocked. 

Ever questioning ourselves - always doubting our moves.

We need to be as certain as the water. 

We need to not look back.

Just move forward.

And remember……

That reflection is just one of our many layers.

It’s ok to have a face for the outside world. 

But always be happy in your heart and soul. 

Always be content with what you portray.

Be you.

That reflection is just one image of you.

Like that spontaneous photo - another image.

And like the reflection we are ever changing. 

Ever changing - with an unknown depth inside us.

Never doubt your abilities or worth.

We all have a purpose - like the water.

We are the lifeblood of society and our communities.

So just be you - be content - be kind - be inclusive 

But most of all  - believe in you. 

Copyright © J C Hicks


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