
Friday 21 January 2022

Nature’s Winter Wonderland

Nature’s Winter Wonderland 

The trees are all bare - no more leaves left to show.

It’s so cold my poor cheeks have a red healthy glow.

The fields have a sparkle as they are dusted with white.

The crisp white frost glistening in the morning sunlight. 

The dog excitedly trots along the crisp, icy grass verge. 

His paws make the grass crunch and they become submerged.

He doesn’t seem to feel the cold one little bit

Well he’s got a fur coat - that must be it!

He buries his nose deep into the grass.

The blades gently bend and make a snap like glass.

With the trees laid bare you can see all the birds.

They sit way up high - their song is their words. 

Their chirping seems louder in the cool crisp air. 

They will soon be looking for their Spring love affair!

I pull my coat tighter and snuggle into my wooly, soft scarf. 

I’ve frightened the birds they’re wondering why I’m on their turf. 

Crisp winter mornings actually feel quite cool.

Nature’s frost making the land look like jewels. 

The nights pull out slowly and the sun shines a bit more.

Meaning we can all slowly venture once again outdoors.

I can’t feel my fingers, my toes or my nose! 

A part of me would like to still be under my bedclothes.

I stand, take a breath and look all around.

The birds and Benji are the only sounds.

Mother Nature is awesome as she regenerates.

So many things lying deep in a dormant state.

But Spring is approaching and soon the leaves will appear.

So many different cycles across the full year. 

The leaves will grow and the flowers will bloom.

The daffodils, the primroses and snowdrops will boom.

They will soon be appearing in full technicolour. 

The world suddenly looking a little fuller.

So we may be in winter and it feels a bit dull.

With nothing to do but our sorrows to mull.

So pull on your big warm winter coat, scarf and gloves.

Because with the winter season there is still a lot to love. 

J C Hicks Copyright 21-1-22

Thursday 20 January 2022

That handy extra shelf ……🙈🤦🏻‍♀️😂

That handy extra shelf ……🙈🤦🏻‍♀️😂

 Isn’t it handy, don’t you think, 

your body develops an extra shelf.

I’m talking of course about my rounded tummy.

It’s here I can let my hands just rest.

It’s also quite handy for balancing chocolate bars.

And it’s a brilliant help when eating my dinner,

As I find it keeps my plate of goodies stable. 

I feel a little dismayed when I look in the mirror.

That visual reminder of why people say “muffin top”.

A finely formed rim around my waist.

Distinctively tyre shaped but soft and squidgy.

I look back at old photos when I thought I was fat

Seems quite ludicrous now my body’s rounded out.

So here I am - another new year.

No New Years resolutions for me - I can’t keep them.

But a commitment to try and improve my diet!

So wish me luck as I try and be good.

Mmmm maybe I need to stop baking biscuits and cakes! 

Do you know what though at the end of the day

Your size doesn’t matter - it’s your mind and your health! 

Money can buy the most wonderful things.

But no amount of money can buy you good health! 

So let’s all be more accepting of our bodies 

Focus on good health and just being kind! 

J C Hicks Copyright 20-10-22

In Memory of Reg 🌈❤️🥰

In Memory of Reg 🌈❤️🥰

How can you sum up a lifetime just using words?

The moment when a loved passes to the house of our Lord.

It seems like an almost impossible task.

When struck with bereavement we slip on a mask.

Reg was a man who led a long happy life.

Leaving behind Val, his wonderful wife.

It doesn’t stop there when somebody passes away

The heart wrenching pain felt many each day. 

Reginald met Valerie at a Corn Dolly Hop dance 

It was probably love at the very first glance.

The couple were married in the year 1961.

And a lifetime of making memories had truly begun.

They started their family - first a beautiful boy

Followed by another 3 boys, they were bursting with joy. 

The question arose whether to try for a girl? 

A bonny girl - she could be their final pearl.

Fears of a football team loomed in Val’s mind

Four healthy boys they decided was just fine! 

Reg worked with his brother and also his dad.

A bricklayer his trade when he was a young lad.

As time passed by he expanded his skills

Having 4 boys meant lots of big bills!

So he became a skilled tiler and really honed his craft 

His talents were endless even dabbling in woodcraft. 

The Hicks boys grew up in Kesteven Court, Carew 

And they were some of the time quite the riotous crew.

But Reg kept them in order - well as much as he could.

Generally though they were predominantly good.

An accomplished footballer and cricketer.

When on the field he was always a contributor.

His family grew and the boys all left home

All starting families of their own.

Reg and Val created a home full of love and joy.

Their front room consistently full of all sorts of toys.

The boys all married and now had their own children.

Resulting in 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

Reg was the root of the family - the head of the house 

But by his side was his much beloved spouse.

Together they made a formidable team 

They really were living the dream. 

So with Reg’s passing came a cloud of darkness.

His missing presence bringing a feeling of starkness. 

Those who knew and loved him know how much he was adored. 

So when we look up and see that rainbow in the sky.

We will stop and remember all those days gone by. 

Rest in peace Reg - husband, father, brother, uncle, grandfather, great grandfather and friend to many. 


Sunday 16 January 2022

In memory of Reg ❤️

 How can you sum up a lifetime just using words?

The moment when a loved passes to the house of our Lord.

It seems like an almost impossible task.

When struck with bereavement we slip on a mask.

Reg was a man who led a long happy life.

Leaving behind Val, his wonderful wife.

It doesn’t stop there when somebody passes away

The heart wrenching pain felt many each day. 

Reginald met Valerie at a Corn Dolly Hop dance 

It was probably love at the very first glance.

The couple were married in the year 1961.

And a lifetime of making memories had truly begun.

They started their family - first a beautiful boy

Followed by another 3 boys, they were bursting with joy. 

The question arose whether to try for a girl? 

A bonny girl - she could be their final pearl.

Fears of a football team loomed in Val’s mind

Four healthy boys they decided was just fine! 

Reg worked with his brother and also his dad.

A bricklayer his trade when he was a young lad.

As time passed by he expanded his skills

Having 4 boys meant lots of big bills!

So he became a skilled tiler and really honed his craft 

His talents were endless even dabbling in woodcraft. 

The Hicks boys grew up in Kesteven Court, Carew 

And they were some of the time quite the riotous crew.

But Reg kept them in order - well as much as he could.

Generally though they were predominantly good.

An accomplished footballer and cricketer.

When on the field he was always a contributor.

His family grew and the boys all left home

All starting families of their own.

Reg and Val created a home full of love and joy.

Their front room consistently full of all sorts of toys.

The boys all married and now had their own children.

Resulting in 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

Reg was the root of the family - the head of the house 

But by his side was his much beloved spouse.

Together they made a formidable team 

They really were living the dream. 

So with Reg’s passing came a cloud of darkness.

His missing presence bringing a feeling of starkness. 

Those who knew and loved him know how much he was adored. 

The comfort for family is that he now walks with the Lord.

So we may look and see just one set of footprints in the sand 

As the Lord reaches out and wraps us up in his arms. 

Rest in peace Reg - husband, father, brother, uncle, grandfather, great grandfather and friend to many. 


Saturday 15 January 2022

The Rainbow Bridge 🌈 ❤️😢

The Rainbow Bridge 🌈 ❤️😢 

It’s only a dog you will hear people say

But they’ve not been there for every birthday.

They weren’t there when they fell knee deep in the mud.

Or when you ate all my plants as they were coming into bud.

They weren’t there when you ate the cheese you shouldn’t have.

Or all the times I had pleaded with you to just please behave.

When you bounded in the sea like you were some sort of mermaid.

You would jump over those waves - never really afraid.

They weren’t there when you lay down by my side.

When I felt really poorly and I couldn’t open my eyes.

They weren’t there for all of our thousands of walks.

When you’d roll in something that had been left by a fox. 🤢

They weren’t there when you would lie loyally at my feet.

Or when you escaped and I chased you down our street.

They weren’t there when I was feeling sad, lonely and forlorn.

And you sat and licked my tears from my hand where they’d fallen.

Then I start to notice that you’ve slowed down a bit.

Maybe now you are no longer quite as fit.

You still love your walks but we don’t go so far.

You seem to prefer longer rides out in the car.

Your coat not quite so shiny and your eyes not so bright.

I tell myself your endless unconditional love I will requite.

Then I wake up one morning and see you are gone.

Your life slipped away at the break of the dawn.

My heart floods with sadness and tears fill my eyes.

I fall down beside you and weep and just cry. 

The pain that I feel is unbearably hard.

And I know that my heart will be forever scarred.

So goodbye my loyal friend until we meet again.

And I hope over time I will feel a lot less pain. 

You were my best friend and I will miss you each day.

The doggy rainbow bridge is beckoning you to come and stay.

To all my doggy friends who know the pain of saying goodbye to your four legged friend when they make their final journey over the rainbow bridge. ❤️

Copyright © J C Hicks
