
Friday 21 January 2022

Nature’s Winter Wonderland

Nature’s Winter Wonderland 

The trees are all bare - no more leaves left to show.

It’s so cold my poor cheeks have a red healthy glow.

The fields have a sparkle as they are dusted with white.

The crisp white frost glistening in the morning sunlight. 

The dog excitedly trots along the crisp, icy grass verge. 

His paws make the grass crunch and they become submerged.

He doesn’t seem to feel the cold one little bit

Well he’s got a fur coat - that must be it!

He buries his nose deep into the grass.

The blades gently bend and make a snap like glass.

With the trees laid bare you can see all the birds.

They sit way up high - their song is their words. 

Their chirping seems louder in the cool crisp air. 

They will soon be looking for their Spring love affair!

I pull my coat tighter and snuggle into my wooly, soft scarf. 

I’ve frightened the birds they’re wondering why I’m on their turf. 

Crisp winter mornings actually feel quite cool.

Nature’s frost making the land look like jewels. 

The nights pull out slowly and the sun shines a bit more.

Meaning we can all slowly venture once again outdoors.

I can’t feel my fingers, my toes or my nose! 

A part of me would like to still be under my bedclothes.

I stand, take a breath and look all around.

The birds and Benji are the only sounds.

Mother Nature is awesome as she regenerates.

So many things lying deep in a dormant state.

But Spring is approaching and soon the leaves will appear.

So many different cycles across the full year. 

The leaves will grow and the flowers will bloom.

The daffodils, the primroses and snowdrops will boom.

They will soon be appearing in full technicolour. 

The world suddenly looking a little fuller.

So we may be in winter and it feels a bit dull.

With nothing to do but our sorrows to mull.

So pull on your big warm winter coat, scarf and gloves.

Because with the winter season there is still a lot to love. 

J C Hicks Copyright 21-1-22

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