
Saturday 17 December 2022

The Scars of Life

The Scars of Life 

You are not broken.
You display the scars of life.
When you are at lowest,
The pain you feel,
Will shape the future you.
You are not broken 
You are growing
Day by day ❤️

J C Hicks copyright 17-12-22

The Great British Weather

The Great British Weather 

Brrrr it’s so cold I can’t feel my feet!
It’s like Dancing On Ice out on the street.
We’ve not had it this cold for so many months.
Well I think we may have had frost just the once.

It’s artic you know, I can’t feel my nose.
My whole body is frozen right down to my toes.
The weather man said it was going to be cold.
Apparently the wind will increase sevenfold! 

But didn’t you hear there’s rain on the way.
It’s supposed to arrive tomorrow, during the day.
Oh I don’t like the rain, it will be wet and windy. 
As the rain droplets run off my nose I feel wimpy.

I mean it’s just not like Christmas when it’s warm and wet. 
Did you place your annual white Christmas bet? 
Be nice to see the beautiful sunshine again.
Wind and rain, tut tut, it really is such a pain.

Did you hear about poor Rita? She slipped on the ice!
In some ways having it a bit warmer would be nice.
But it just doesn’t feel festive when it’s damp and wet.
Thank goodness I didn’t place that white Christmas Day bet. 😜

J C Hicks Copyright 17-12-22

Friday 16 December 2022

A Glimmer of Hope and Light

My breath pours out 
Dancing in the cold air.
I sit, lonely and sad
In complete despair. 

I look at my breath 
As it leaves my mouth.
Hanging in the air
Ghost like floating about.

It’s so cold I can’t move
I can’t feel my fingers or toes.
The saddest thing is I’m here
All alone - and nobody knows. 

Sat in my sanctuary - my home
With windows that sparkle with ice.
You’d think it looks pretty 
But with no heat - it’s a sacrifice.

A tear falls from my eye 
And I hang my head low.
What if I die here
And nobody knows. 

My heart hurts so much
With pain I’ve not known. 
Sat in one chair it’s become
Like a poisonous throne.

I can’t afford heat
And I can’t afford food. 
I sit and wonder 
How would my life be viewed. 

When we say the word home
It conjures an image of warmth. 
Not a cold, lifeless place
Soulless and forlorn.

The silence is deafening 
The TV a blank box.
Beyond that dark screen 
An ironic paradox. 

The light slowly fades 
And I know it will get colder.
This isn’t what I dreamt of
When I envisaged getting older. 

As the darkness creeps 
across the icy cold room.
I know it’s going to get 
so much colder soon.

I clasp my hands together
And look up towards the Lord. 
Praying for the heat
That I just can’t afford. 

If tonight is my last night
On this lowly earth.
I pray that my life
At least held some worth. 

Darkness surrounds me 
And the coldness is biting.
So I draw my freezing body 
Under the blankets in hiding. 

Please let me live
Survive this bitterly cold night.
Please let tomorrow 
Bring a glimmer of hope and light. 

J C Hicks copyright © 

Tuesday 13 December 2022

A Truly Special Day

A Truly Special Day

I’m carrying a precious load
We’ve travelled many miles.
Despite our dusty journey
I still see Joseph smile.

I know there’s something special
About to happen soon.
So I must keep plodding on
Guided by the stars and moon.

My hooves and limbs are aching
But I wouldn’t stop and rest.
I know to have this honour
I have been truly blessed.

I see Joseph look at Mary 
His eyes full of hope and love.
He wonders if theirs will be 
A story that others may write of.

Mary smiles and thanks him
For being by her side.
Joseph promised her that
They will soon be by a fireside.

They have no wealth or riches
But they ensure I am looked after.
And despite the weary journey
I can hear their gentle laughter.

I tread as gently as I can 
Because I know Mary is with child
I try my best to take it steady 
And be gentle, soft and kind.

We reach our destination 
But alas there is no room.
It seems our search for shelter 
Sadly must resume. 

I can see in Joseph’s eyes
The fear that he is feeling.
An inn keeper offers them shelter
But it’s really not appealing.

Joseph smiles and thanks him
As he shows them to the stable.
The floor is laced with straw 
And there’s a manger for a cradle.

I stand very quiet and still 
as Joseph lifts Mary down.
I sense that this unborn baby
Will be a King without a crown.

The stable is cold and draughty 
But Mary doesn’t seem to mind.
Her son is born that night
A birth that will change all mankind.

I know my part in the story
Was just a small one to play.
But I knew the load I carried
Would change the world one day.

I look on in awe and wonder 
as the baby lies asleep.
This special, precious moment 
Forever in my heart I will keep.

I may be just a lowly donkey
But I had my part to play. 
My instincts had told me 
this would be a truly special day. 

Copyright © J C Hicks