
Friday 16 December 2022

A Glimmer of Hope and Light

My breath pours out 
Dancing in the cold air.
I sit, lonely and sad
In complete despair. 

I look at my breath 
As it leaves my mouth.
Hanging in the air
Ghost like floating about.

It’s so cold I can’t move
I can’t feel my fingers or toes.
The saddest thing is I’m here
All alone - and nobody knows. 

Sat in my sanctuary - my home
With windows that sparkle with ice.
You’d think it looks pretty 
But with no heat - it’s a sacrifice.

A tear falls from my eye 
And I hang my head low.
What if I die here
And nobody knows. 

My heart hurts so much
With pain I’ve not known. 
Sat in one chair it’s become
Like a poisonous throne.

I can’t afford heat
And I can’t afford food. 
I sit and wonder 
How would my life be viewed. 

When we say the word home
It conjures an image of warmth. 
Not a cold, lifeless place
Soulless and forlorn.

The silence is deafening 
The TV a blank box.
Beyond that dark screen 
An ironic paradox. 

The light slowly fades 
And I know it will get colder.
This isn’t what I dreamt of
When I envisaged getting older. 

As the darkness creeps 
across the icy cold room.
I know it’s going to get 
so much colder soon.

I clasp my hands together
And look up towards the Lord. 
Praying for the heat
That I just can’t afford. 

If tonight is my last night
On this lowly earth.
I pray that my life
At least held some worth. 

Darkness surrounds me 
And the coldness is biting.
So I draw my freezing body 
Under the blankets in hiding. 

Please let me live
Survive this bitterly cold night.
Please let tomorrow 
Bring a glimmer of hope and light. 

J C Hicks copyright © 

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