
Saturday 17 December 2022

The Great British Weather

The Great British Weather 

Brrrr it’s so cold I can’t feel my feet!
It’s like Dancing On Ice out on the street.
We’ve not had it this cold for so many months.
Well I think we may have had frost just the once.

It’s artic you know, I can’t feel my nose.
My whole body is frozen right down to my toes.
The weather man said it was going to be cold.
Apparently the wind will increase sevenfold! 

But didn’t you hear there’s rain on the way.
It’s supposed to arrive tomorrow, during the day.
Oh I don’t like the rain, it will be wet and windy. 
As the rain droplets run off my nose I feel wimpy.

I mean it’s just not like Christmas when it’s warm and wet. 
Did you place your annual white Christmas bet? 
Be nice to see the beautiful sunshine again.
Wind and rain, tut tut, it really is such a pain.

Did you hear about poor Rita? She slipped on the ice!
In some ways having it a bit warmer would be nice.
But it just doesn’t feel festive when it’s damp and wet.
Thank goodness I didn’t place that white Christmas Day bet. 😜

J C Hicks Copyright 17-12-22

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