
Monday 6 February 2023

The Earth Has Quaked 😢🙏

The Earth Has Quaked 😢🙏

How can we look in the mirror,
And think that we need more.
When people across the globe 
Have had their homes flattened to the floor. 

They didn’t see it coming, didn’t stand a chance.
Buildings no longer standing in the worst circumstance.
People in their beds, now lie in concrete tombs.
These places that were once their safe living rooms. 

Nature at its worst, we really cannot fathom.
Whole towns disappear into the earth’s chasm. 
Thousands lost their lives in a moment of horror.
Now death and destruction on every street corner. 

So when you think you’d just like a bit more.
Be grateful that you live safely behind your own front door. 
Let’s spare a thought and pray for those suffering today. 
Guide them through this time as we look on in dismay.

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 6-2-23

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