
Monday 6 February 2023

Tomorrow Without You

Tomorrow Without You

I wish I had a superpower, anything would do.
So long as my super power meant I could save you. 
I never knew you were hurting and in so much pain.
That your worries were drowning you like never ceasing rain.

I didn’t read the signs that were so clearly there.
I hate the fact that you may think I didn’t really care.
I can’t imagine what each hour was like, day to day.
I feel so angry that there are things we can never say.

I will never understand what drove you to those lengths.
I wish I could have helped you increase your inner strength.
I wish I was like superman and I’d have taken to the skies.
Turning the world backwards as round the earth I’d fly.

I’d give anything to go back in time and hold you in my arms.
If you’d let me in I could have helped you through the storms.
I have a pain in my chest like nothing I’ve ever felt.
It tightens around my neck, gripping tightly like a belt.

At times I’m filled with anger at the decision that you took.
If only I’d realised that your life wasn’t an open book.
I thought that I knew you and you’d always be right there.
Now I’m left with a gaping hole and feeling such despair.

I wish I had a superpower, anything would do.
If only it meant I could spend one more day with you.
And help ease the pain that you were wading through.
Now I’m left with facing all the tomorrows without you. 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 6/2/23

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