
Tuesday 31 January 2023

A Dog Should Be For Life

A Dog Should Be For Life

Another long, dark lonely night.
Sat pondering my awful plight. 
I sit and watch the sun rise up.
A sight I loved when I was a pup.

I bury my head into my bed.
At least here I do get fed.
That lovely lady takes me walkies.
I cock my head while she tells me stories.

I look deep into her dark brown eyes.
Maybe she needs me to apologise.
I’m not sure why - I’ve done no wrong.
But she won’t take me home where I belong.

She comes each day to take me out.
But leaves me here no matter how loud I shout.
I don’t understand what it is I’ve done. 
I think back to the days when life was fun.

I had a family who loved me dearly. 
I must have done something wrong, clearly. 
One day they bundled me into the car.
We took a journey that was so bizarre.

I tried to comfort them on the way. 
As tears streamed down their faces. 
Then they left me at this strange place.
They said I’d be kept warm and safe.

And here I’ve been for oh so long.
I no longer have a home where I belong. 
People come and sit and cuddle me.
But none of them set me free.

So here I sit in this caged, suffocating prison.
Sitting, waiting to be a family’s new addition. 
I long to lie in a sun filled garden again.
With a trip to the beach every now and then. 

I curl down and listen to my room mates.
What if I’m stuck here in this place.
I had a family, I had a home.
And now I sit here - all alone 💔.

J C Hicks ©️ copyright 31-1-2023

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