
Wednesday 18 January 2023

How far is it between earth and heaven?

 How Far is it between earth and heaven? 

It’s a long way between heaven and earth
You look up at the sky - I look back to your birth.
Above lies sky, clouds, stars, planets and moons.
Some places only seen by a meteorological balloon.

Yes we can stand and admire heavens night show.
As the stars and planets emerge and gently glow.
But what if the journey from earth to heaven 
Is actually living and our daily life lessons.

It starts with your birth - the day you were born 
Right until the moment from where there is no return. 
Your life may long or it may be short 
Lived alone or with lots of support.

So what is the journey from earth to heaven?
That is the lifelong unanswered question. 
Most of us live every day in a mundane fashion 
Some live life fast paced which oozes passion.

We constantly look to others for approval.
Other peoples opinions seem to be crucial.
We can’t seem to live life in our own lane.
Accepting the joys along with the pain.

Each day that breaks is another one of our journey 
Some days idyllic whilst some feel quite stormy.
But whatever the bumps in that lifelong road
We must keep on learning as our life unfolds.

So when we reach our life journeys end 
And to our final resting place we do wend
Reflect on the path your life journey took you.
All that your mind, soul and body went through.

This marks the distance between earth and heaven 
Your life should have felt like a special procession 
So as you sit and reflect on your life today 
Just remember live life to the fullest, come what may.

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 18/1/2023


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