
Monday 30 January 2023

Riches of Life

Riches of Life 

Dear God

I know you don’t hear from me much
You may say we are out of touch
But I’m struggling and need a friend
Someone to help my broken heart mend.

I have no money and I have no hope
It’s hard day to day just to cope.
“My child, what’s the problem - I’m always here.
Don’t worry, speak freely and with no fear.”

My children just need more and more.
Every day feels like a huge chore.
“My child, what is that your children need?”
So much it makes my sad heart bleed.

“My child, don’t get sad and so upset.
You’ve lived a life with no regret.”
But I can’t give my children what they want.
Their friends have started to mock and taunt.

“My child, I ask you to open your eyes.
Look beyond just the immediate skies.”
I don’t understand what is it that you mean.
“I mean look beyond what it is you’ve seen.”

“Do your children have food in their belly?
They don’t go around dirty and smelly.
Do they sleep with a roof over their head?
Have they got their own cosy bed?”

Well yes Lord, they do have those things.
But it’s the other things pulling at my heartstrings.
They want the latest games and mobile phone 
They want new toys and a flying drone.

They want the latest designer clothes.
I can barely ensure theirs have no holes.
“My child, open your eyes and look wider.
You really are their steady, reliable provider.”

I really don’t understand what you mean?
Look beyond what I have seen?
“My child, do you really think you are poor?
Because you do not live a life of grandeur?”

“Riches aren’t made up of money in the bank.
Your life is so rich, it’s not dark and dank.
You have a roof above your head.
Children asleep in their own bed.”

“Your family is safe, dry and warm.
You keep them away from any harm.
You all have your health and each other.
Surely this makes you the best mother?”

“You may feel poor and inadequate.
You really mustn’t feel second rate.
Look beyond your own small horizon.
In other countries there are those barely surviving.”

“Riches come from deep within your heart.
Shelter, warmth, food - that’s a great start.
Some children in the world have none of this.
Some have nothing, roaming streets, motherless.”

“So give thanks for the good things in your life.
There are always others with more trouble and strife.
There will always be others who have so much more
But remember there are those who are truly poor.”

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 30-1-2023

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