
Sunday 22 January 2023

Child’s Play

Child’s Play 

Everything’s is new and needs exploring.
No minute is dull and no day is boring.
Every surface feels suspiciously strange.
But not everything is yet in my range.
What’s over here? I am very curious.
Whatever it is, it looks rather glorious.

Oh but here we go I’m being pulled up.
Mum has come along and my games up.
As hard as I try I never quite get there.
Mum is always there telling me to beware.
But everything looks so exciting and tempting 
I don’t understand why she’s trying to protect me.

As I toddle around I seek out new items.
But wherever I trundle my mums always frightened.
As soon as I pick up that object to lick 
She’s taken it off me - darn that woman is slick.
We went out with the dogs for a little walk.
How did I know you are not meant to eat leafstalks?

We went to this place called a beach.
I was soon just out of my mum's reach.
I look at the substance beneath my feet
Wow that looks pretty, good enough to eat.
I grab at a handful of those tiny grains 
In my mouth I pop it mmm it sure is strange.

It’s gritty, hard and crunchy as well. 
I’m thinking I will also lick my seashell.
I bring the shell up towards my mouth 
Before I know it mum has pulled it out.
She’s shouting again, sometimes she’s no fun.
I think this could be my cue to just run! 

At home mum has things she calls candles.
I like to chew them but she thinks that’s a scandal!
She’s up out her chair and like that, it’s gone 
Here she goes, she’s going to ramble on.
I mustn’t eat that they don’t taste nice 
She’s pleading with me to follow her advice.

Her advice is so boring as I mustn’t touch this,
She goes on and on and then she wants a kiss! 
I really don’t get it, this woman filled with love.
As she’s tutting and moving candles way up above.
I don’t understand why she’s spoiling my fun. 
I think I may win this game in the long run.

I sit and stare at the array of toys.
They are colourful and lots make a noise. 
I glance round the room so much to explore.
That’s without what lies beyond that door. 
I will just post my toys through that slot I can see.
Oh man here’s my mum and once again she disagrees. 

Apparently toys must go away in “the box”.
My cars, the trains, the teddy’s and blocks.
I’m not to put them under the settee.
And apparently the toilet doesn’t “set them free”.
So many rules I just don’t understand.
Sometimes I just scream and lie on the ground. 

But my mum smooths my hair and kisses my head.
She gently tells me the days done and it’s time for bed.
I am rather tired, it’s hard work being an explorer.
Maybe tomorrow it will all seem much clearer. 
I do seem to learn a little bit more each day.
Wow it’s really hard work this child’s play! 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 22-1-23

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